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Everything posted by oxygen

  1. easy enough to ddos our main caller
  2. Id rather rd members flamed than pretended to be humble when they're destroyed inside, they don't have anything to flame us bout though because they got completely outplayed
  3. it's absolutely hilarious and ironic that on top of accepting zack into S you have now allowed Allen to app lmfaooooooo
  4. Everyone always taking shots at zu we've had ex-mm since the start, just because a couple of newer mm joined means nowt
  5. There won't be any clans left since all the bandwagon new bundle of twigss will want to join mm rofl. Too bad they're obviously trolling you rejects
  6. why would we stay to fight when you crash you tomato, when rd finally grew balls and hit us you were first to run to mossies and then log! Lol!
  7. Looks like a lot of propaganda to me, hope you had fun though
  8. Looks like you dicked eop and their 10+ mains, good job!
  9. fi were up 20 on us so I'm not even gonna deny they dicked us!
  10. Come to Zu to continue wrecking in clan wars
  11. Was easy as fuck, rd took 20 mins to hit with a +10 and dipped as soon as it got crashed lolol Easily beat sup and cp and had tussles with lt Bv and rd which got crashed and sniped eop and fi killing like 10 of them each LOL
  12. eop have only pulled 10 higher than everyone else for a month now so let's not get too ahead of ourselves! I see who u forgot to add, let me edit it in now
  13. What do you think is gonna happen to these clans today? I suspect a lot of action! Fi - Will pull the most they have in a while due to hype (and bringing a few Ex-fi who are in Au - do Au go out Saturdays?) and will hunt eop all trip Rd - hype clan is hype, could see them pulling big but could see them doing nothing with it S - will pull average like they have the past few weekends and will avoid clusters and will 1v1 clans like ascent Zu - will pull okay due to hype? Probably beat Rd at any opportunity and will be too low a pull to fight Fi or eop Asc - don't know if they go out Bv - will pull like 40+ and walk about like headless chickens; they need to establish a game plan unlike previous weeks Lt - will pull okay and do what they can with their pull Au - I don't think they go out Saturdays I might be mistaken Eop - will pull big because they're a hype/propaganda clan and will have a lot of mains in preparation for fi's big pull, will be bullied by if all trip. Want me to edit it back out? Not sure if I have missed anyone
  14. theres a difference between down 4 and down 15 mate!
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