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Everything posted by Melodyz

  1. No. I flamed you for coming in our cc flaming us. I deleted you because you had the decency to ask me to leave this clan for conquer. I don't see how I can call someone a friend who does that to another friend.
  2. So much hatred in the pure community. It's sad how bad clanning has gotten with all the ddosing and hateful comments can you all grow up and act your age for once? I'm tired of seeing this hate for no apparent reasons. yes clans are always going to win some and lose some. But fucking grow up with the flaming. Deal with your own clans.
  3. Nice flame there Bravey when lalo is 20defence and bigtongan123 is a lvl 78 you've broken LPC rules. Time for you to go learn your stuff we've beaten you more than enough so take down your flame cus you're all bangs in wildy
  4. Data you got smacked on your forehead just stop. So Stop trying to flame us.
  5. Was a fun fight until conquer crashed you guys hopefully we can do it again sometime without anyone crashing
  6. Just really noticing this irrelevant topic now. Conquer and Trauma already ruined the lpc scene today using mains to defend their pures allying together and still getting a good beating from Olympus. Clearly we're so much better than them. So if you guys have anything negative to say about us. Make sure you don't use main pures to take down an lpc. Thank you ~ Melodyz.
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