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Everything posted by موني

  1. I wud join on my baby not even trolling
  2. Goodluck to FOE. Best of luck I hope this time Adhi doesn't have to fully carry =\.
  3. He wasn't let him think he knows something xD
  4. Did u say P2P Based. LOL as if we are only P2P.
  5. Nice Win! RD shud stop being salty.
  6. New comers are cute aren't they xD
  7. No but this starts drama so why not just leave it how it is but not saying anything in the first place?
  8. Everytime u post I sit here and stare at your avatar LOL
  9. I wud say Blitz U was but I can't really back that up because I know many people have been in a clan with him and he hasn't led anything close to be the best clan of all time. But I can say during my 3 years of clanning with him he did Gfx,Forums,getting (Minis,Preps,Inners,Organize Events),Call etc. He was a 1 man army but LOKI was a GOD P2P leader and I'm good friends with him.
  10. Funniest topic in a while. Why are u guys being spastics just say nice win and leave LOL. No such thing as a "50 Man Unit" LOL.
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