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Everything posted by Obese

  1. I cant afford to keep paying booter subscription, looks like it's all down hill from here. Thanks for the fights EOP, clearly we still have ALOT to work on in P2P xD
  2. hahahahahaha @@Braden you got decked cunt lmfao
  3. O/T. Rest of zu, thanks for the fight, Sam|Kellen|Kyle|James <3
  4. http://tlp-rs.net/ #TLP thelastpures.clants.net Today, Monday March 9th, 2015. We massed up a strong 42 TLP members ready to prep the Zerglings, and came out with a solid 2-1 Thank you for the prep ZU. -Shoutout to tyen for calling third round with sounds on on a laptop mic with continuous voice activation -Shoutout to barrage|kyle for being a babe -Shoutout to jonny 4 making topic coz obese is autistic -Shoutout to everyone who attended the event. Dank P.o.v Braden P.o.v Hanuman P.o.v
  5. Trauma was focused on anyone crashing originally, We killed imperial, Supremacy, Olympus, ZU people, after there was none of them left on the battlefield we targeted foe. Won't even debate that, i don't even care, i'm just in it for scims.
  6. Looks like it was pretty even, with it even being a little bit sided towards supremacy untill probably the last 3 mins of footage, where ZU is clearly taking the lead
  7. hahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha your in single hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  8. ye your topic looks so much better, i must agree.
  9. /query [tlp]obese best rates paid

  10. oh & shoutout to that other clan who thinks they own our cape for making it look like we pulled 60
  11. I thought this was inners, arn't we lyk erruption of the last pures?????????????? Thanks for the fight boys =)
  12. Was a good fight Happy with the 2-1 all things considered. combats/2weeks open/sloppy attacking round, certainly making some improvements
  13. I thought with the amount of cancer in 2k15 people would have hard skin, but in reality they're a bunch of soft cocks, making people mad is way to easy

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. okay12
    3. KingSnake


      Yeah ikr bunch of brown sticky stuff kids like RD and FI and yeah even SUP

    4. Heismberg
  14. Feel free to follow me around at trips, If in doubt, i tab the fuck out.
  15. you are the oxygen my lungs need to breathe. i love you.
  16. half of tlp in mith @ trauma trip. wat. I wasn't even there for one. Half of tlp = 35 35 tlp members in mith when we have 18 people with 20+ defence. as much as you hate to admit it, i'm sure if you look @ trauma's ml. the tlp that were there r in trauma
  17. Untill 3 weeks ago, i was really depressed, i struggled to get out of bed. I'll give you a quick run down on my life. I'm a 34 year old who has erectile disfunction, i live with my grandparents & work at kfc. down on luck, my hopes & dreams for a happy life were fading, when i came accross sharkbrew. now every day is a blessing, I wake up and the first thing i do is look on sharkbrew to see how many people i've made angry. thankyou slushpuppy.
  18. potato masher cunt, welcome 2 saltbrew
  19. i don't get it. i'm going to start coming to trauma trips in mith doe. i understood that. huehuehue
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