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Everything posted by Moha479

  1. Started massing to PK and head up to Callisto when we heard that 420 was asking around for a fight. Decided to move to Greater Demons and some at new gate to scout around for them before anyone else could get a chance at them. After a couple minutes of hopping we were able to find them east of Greater Demons so we quickly logged in and let the barrage onslaught commence. Pushing them further and further east until they ran just above single strip. With an end in sight we killed the last few remaining in multi and pushed the rest to single. Spinning back around to multi we found Beyond Control attempting to rag out the fight so we switched our focus on them and caught a few clumps before taking some time to bank. At this point Dcranger asked if we'd like to set up a capped fight for another round. After a small discussion and some time to let them re-mass we set up just west of Greater Demons where 420 would rush in with a few more than they had last time. Still we were able to combat their numbers with some strong barrage piles to even out the odds. Eventually BC would show face again this time alongside PD as they knew they couldn't do it alone. Switching our focuses onto the crashing clans we scrapped with BC for a bit at Greater Demons while PD got pummeled to the south. Not wanting to miss out on this beating we rushed south to Vetion where Playdead had about 5 left in game. The two clans took the time to re-mass in rag with a third clan before re-rushing but were too slow as most of us had already left after clearing them at Vetion. Following our two big scraps to start the trip we decided to continue small manning for the rest of the night. Very early on we ran into Wilderness Guardians PKing at altar. While they had a couple more than us to start we were able to combat it with some tight barrages and strong returning before clearing them out of the altar for the first time. Next time around we ran into them half of us were caught in other worlds so we decided to get everyone together and continue hopping to look for them. It wasn't long before we found them another time so we poked the idle channel real quick and scrapped out another round before pushing them to singles. While most of us decided to bank they got a bit overzealous and decided to re-rush where we went for a round three but this time in a bit less of risk for some reason. Sending them to single one last time we took our final ending before continuing the trip. Cleared the rest of the wilderness for another hour before calling it a night. Thanks for the fights 420+WG.
  2. So We Started At 50 Ports And Found Some Pvmers and Quickly sweeped Them To Lumbridge So We Decided To Go To Pocket Found Some Pvmers And Some Random Pkers We Also Cleared That After A Hour Or So We Went To Altar And Fought Some Random Pkers And @Nullusion Killed A Kid For 40M Of Loot And We Cleared Altar Then We Went To Vettion And Got Some Decent Loots From Some Pkers And Also Cleared Vettion And We Got Word That Some Zenith Mains Were Pking At 50 Ports And We Quickly Told Our Soldiers To Push Towards 50 Ports And We Hopped Some Worlds And Before You Know It We Ran Into Zenith Mains We Started Fighting Zenith We Pushed Them Into A Clump After Clump And They Quickly Returned And Kept Fighting Our Soldiers So We Called In More Mages And We Told Our Mages To Barrage Them From North And Chiners From South And We Kept Droping Them 3 By 3 We Cleared Zenith They Tellied Out And We Took The Win And It Was A Good 1 Hour Fight With Out Being Crashed Thanks Zenith Brothers Thanks For the Fight Deathrow On Top And The Greatest Ever To Do It Happy New Year! Ended The Year With A Bang Great LeaderShip And Great Members!
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