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Posts posted by Furious

  1. Typical blaming a leader for a clan closing. Everyone was at fault.


    And it sure as hell wasn't a waste of time, I speak for everyone when I say we had some great times in Chaotic. Of course you wouldn't know since all you did was post negative brown sticky stuff on the forums all the time, although it was sometimes insightful.


    You're one of the many who are under the "new bundle of twigs/4nr/irrelevant/spastic" category.


    Move along now. 

  2. Anybody who thinks Duval is dedicated is delusional.


    The clan was literally packed full of inbreds and downies who thought that they meant something. But in actuality everyone in the clan was given a rank so they would stay. Like no joke, you would have more elders/elites than guests/normal members. 


    Everybody who was in the first iteration of Chaotic knew what would happen, and what's gunna happen:


    >ch will close again when duval goes awol or bored of the game 

    >ch will reopen for the 19th time with the same irrelevant 4nr spastics

    >cycle repeats

    >gratz on time waste


    It's a shame that all this nonsense didn't end when the first Chaotic died back in 2k10. Owell. It's nice keeping tabs on Chaotic cause' I get to see some of the cool folk from Chv1.

  3. I hope this is the same Asian furious I knew, because I made an account just to reply to your intro




    U CAN FIND ME ON MM FORUMS bundle of twigsGOT.

  4. What is your real life name?

    rasmus hermans

    What are your hobbies?


    What is your RuneScape history?


    What are your goals for your RuneScape account?


    to join tlp

    What clan are you in?


    Anything else:


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