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Posts posted by Axis

  1. Notable mentions:


    Foe vs MM rivalry was always goat.




    TLP vs FI

    Noting this rivalry because it was our first serious rivalry (besides the cancer one vs supremacy in the same capes lmao) We were the underdogs, having Lil Nick literally kill his "ex" clan (which he now hates) after flaming us and saying he'd kill us was hilarious. We jumped from 40? man pulls up to 74 in a matter of a month, stealing/having numerous of their members leak to join us. I seriously believe since then FI literally hasn't been able to recover, considering EoP leaks their brown sticky stuff on a daily basis also lol.


    Matt (Sulfate) imo truly was their worst Leader lmao


    Charles also was a complete moron and will stay forever irrelevant 




    TLP vs SV

    Probably not the most favourite but has to be the hardest i've tried in. Knowing SV heavily relies on intimidation and singling members out to get them to either spy/leave or even quit runescape, I just had to try my best to get them from the inside. On SV's part, they tried the good old cancerous tactics of having their own mains on us, ddosing and even publicly releasing IRL photos of numerous ranks including myself. But this is how great TLP is compared to any clan, instead of any normal brown sticky stuffty clan getting demoralised, we turned it into motivation thus making everyone in TLP want to become better and kill SV, it's cringy but we came together as a community to bring each other up.


    Having a minimum of 2 leaks a trip, one with audio and one with ingame was pretty hilarious too but also having their staff IRC Chan had provided some lols. Also having them team with FOC on our ani was beautiful, absolutely beautiful, its exactly what we wanted and we got it so gj dudes lmao. That long ass return fight at GDZ was pretty easy also.

    At this time, I feel TLP worked the best, both ranks and members which i miss a lot, good times.


    SV can say we have died or they 'killed' us but we literally made them go main and numerous topics of them trying to imitate us :)




    So you post a video where you got gwas'd yourself and cleared right after, and you post a topic where beast tells people to train up admitting the obvious like any clan knows.


    That only proves you were sweaty freaks with 30 def and high cmb and still irrelevant in p2p which is quite awkward


    Reading the rest of your delusional post you mention us ddosing/irl leaking and w/e, now didn't your paki squad try to dox parviz/aao/mirin? I remb you even bragging about hitting our ts off with "insane's botnet".


    Now after our administration team got a hold of VR forums there were several topics and logs of hanuman,range grudge and even yourself asking VR to "snipe sv" and even a topic regarding helping tlp so they would join VR.




    Again ur full of bullbrown sticky stuff have a nice day, i'll admit to hacking but razza can't help getting your members free guap.

  2. this post is a joke right?

    TLP bullied you guys at every event you had for not even two months before you went main again. And if you think anyone joins sv for any reason other than they get a boner over doxing ppl/18 hr pk trips for about $3 irl ur wrong lmfao.


    im a proud white person i spit on everybody that isn't white, never speak to me like this again u 4rn freak lmfao

    Stfu ebola spreading ape open your mouth when you speak to me not your disgusting twig fingers

  3. are you delusional or just that cauliflower. i wasnt disrespecting your clan i was highlighting that RAGE IS in fact #1 mpc matched and #2 overall matched i am sorry your so ASS sore that youll never celebrate another tlp anni but stop trying to make something out of nothing. holy morons batman they have us surrounded



    Gz Rage and happy 1 year.




  4. Will be a bunch of teaming, but I personally think CP/CD will be on top and below that most likely eop and the other hpc's.

    Since rage has been going in all HPC teamspeaks asking for opts I highly doubt they pull anything aka bottom on the list.







    6.FOE (no official trip)



    Rest isnt even worthy to be on the list, since their trip will be 50% debating what teamcape they should use..

  5. ? yh

    whats ur point lmfao

    at least we're not a small pk team of 4nrs that rag pk 8 hrs a day and haven't won a single fight since moving up to mains LMFAO

    You really need sharkbrew self esteem to make up for the mental beatdown you receive in the real world.


    God ur broccolied, must be one of those brown mutes.

  6. Nothing about your post indicates you have the slightest understanding of anything regarding my involvement. I have better things to do than keep hearing some rando chirp at me, carry on if you like, just know your place.

    The little involvement you had was enough to give the final push to closure.


    Replying to you is like replying to some delusional 13 year old who thinks a clan that closed 8 times and used every method out there to in hope to be some what relevant.


    Lmfao you got fucked so many times its ridiculous, when VR didn't work you decided to share capes with eop. The IRC logs were justin beiber aswell, quite curious why would TLP leak their locs to Supremacy? Or the logs "We will help doom when they go hpc" lmfao.



    Yeah move on you're delusional swallow that little bit of self esteem you call your pride and move along and take the L lmfao.

  7. Wow, mm to sv, you really scraped the bottom of the barrel there, man. What happened to make you stoop so low? Inferiority complex i'm suspecting.


    Unlike SV who lacked the ability to reign over the pure community for any substantial length whatsoever my boys wanted to see some footage of mine that got DMCA'd due to copyrights and I was happy to oblige. Call the fucking cops you lily, you had slaughter and CD with you, waah waah we had a couple EoP with us when we pulled 80+ that trip, get over yourself man you left that fight, you left clan wars, i don't have to explain in detail to someone whose clan ran from mine like dogs every single time the going got tough why that means you lost.


    Slaughter is fucking supremacy you dumb nimrod lmfaoooooooooooooo


    "Couple" Would call you broccolied, but we both know you legit shared pk trips and capes lmfao. 

    Hope you had a good read of VR forums with several topics "hit sv this weekend, we got tlp joining". 


    Fact you mention LPC's like multi clanning isn't allowed is justin beiber by itself you really are one dumb dog. 


    Atleast my rank structure doesn't fucking argue and resolves into their only two decent ranks @@Hanuman and @@Braden leaving.

    What happend after? Oh yeah, nimrods like you got in control and you closed again. Meanwhile SV is still enjoying the game without the pure cancer in a scene thats actually active and doesn't have the amount of broccolied orphans like you.

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