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Everything posted by Fantasy

  1. why? becouse all hpc think having def is still pure and most lpc refuse to follow your thoery, thefore cant compete when one kid 30def tanks for ever compared to 1def.
  2. got suspending for speaking the truth gf nazi bias mods
  3. stepping stone into hpc clan? what a joke, if u think lpcs make there clans just to let there memebr leave and join an hpc, your fkn delusional. half the real pure community got no repsect for the so called hpcs and there def lvls. "higher caliber" thats your point of view
  4. i think its fine spamming for recruits, but actualy spamming your cc name for opts? atleast get possible recuits to pm first if there interested
  5. well done doom, nice job crashing xl and killing NO ONE apart from the stragling noob with no ears
  6. greatjob, this was a fun little trip, bank was made!
  7. lmao I had to google to figure out what this thread was about Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July or July Fourth, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from Great Britain.
  8. think I got a lil carried away when I posted that had a few 2 many beers last night
  9. we do weekend trips, maybe see you there sometime an thanks
  10. is it? pretty sure that's how I remember it
  11. lmfao, love this vid coz after all this xl cleared u all and chased yous out of wild with walk of shame LMAO
  12. +2 exceptions? I saw 3 before I even tried to count, have no problem, not upto much, you?
  13. and if im not mistaken u told us u had 12 and u had 18+ so don't tell us you were surprised with the ops
  14. fuck u talk some bulbrown sticky stuff, the fc gets spammed when ever we get some kind of fight in wild regardless of how easy the fight gonna be, yous got droped. maybe you thought you did good briefly but you are mistaken buddy, this maybe like the first "minute" (don't quote me on this)where maybe u guys looked like u had a chance but nah u wrong bro. yous had no chance once we scratched our balls an woke up a lil bit and shat all over you scrubs. I don't agree with us teleing and most don't. if they did they need to be shot, regardless of being in excel or not.
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