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Everything posted by StinkFace

  1. Let's make a list of what your clan has done in order to compete. 1: spamming your cc after months of flaming us for doing that. 2: mass training 20 def/70prayer. 3: attempting to team with foe. 4: mass training zerks for your seniors+ to use to camp my members. 5: teaming with a clan that has closed from being an mpc already and has a broccolied leader that doesn't even like you. Now you complain about cd bringing mains to counter your broccolied lookin' egg head's desperate attempts to compete.
  2. Omfg this tomato didn't capitalize "I'm". Lmfao what a pathetic broccoli. Obviously had daddy issues which lead to being an autistic broccoli who can't even capitalize correctly. How did you ever get through high school (if you even did).
  3. I've seen the attendance logs on our forums as well as the ones in your elite bitch work section. You actually had way more invites as clan friends, as our teamspeak was filled with purple cd members and above. Stay salty though. I'm enjoying this.
  4. 3 main clans? Damn. Last salty doom member that lost yesterday says it was only two. Thanks for the bump stay mad your clan is brown sticky stuff.
  5. Number one mpc right now is critical damage. Join us bro. http://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/topic/15344-critical-damage-saturday-90-purple-warriors-double-penetrate-doomenvy-alliance-kings-of-2v1/page-1
  6. Your next topic should be titled, "doom topic spotted". If you get a link let me know, would love to see it.
  7. Spends all week quoting me, then bails when he realizes how brown sticky stuff they are. Awkward as hell man. @@ultama
  8. Always been a fan of aao. Doesn't matter if they pull 30 or 100 they go out and get some good action and enjoy themselves.
  9. Doom and envy completely smacked. Where are all the doom retards who like to talk brown sticky stuff? @@ultama
  10. Reasons why you shouldn't team with doom. They're brown sticky stuff. We'll close your clan.
  11. Yeah we all know doom is awful. Brb gotta team with a maxed 126 clan to help us when doom is jerking off with envy at ca.
  12. Their leadership of Hassan and who ever this random ass pain broccoli fucked them up big time. They'll be closed by cd shortly for a second time as will doom.
  13. ebag why the fuck would you team with doom. They're complete fucking dog brown sticky stuff. We'll close your clan for a second time if you keep it up.
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