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Status Updates posted by Shoan

  1. nice to know that dog @Kim ban for say ty +1 and not for replies like "gz" "lol". nice brain u have

  2. "911 whats ur emergency?" answer: need ambulance fast @iObsession in coma right now

    1. Outburst Warrior

      Outburst Warrior

      ub dead abdullah hates bundle of twigss btw

  3. ub are very silent today

    1. F2p2007


      Idk, man. I tried checking out their pk trip today to see if I'd like to join since SV closed. They kicked me from trip & the 2 fights the had were bad. No one called after leader died & UB were either in singles or random worlds for a good 20 mins at one point. Worst clan experience in all my years of clanning.

  4. dont @ me if u have 5k+ pc

  5. 2-0'd IN THEIR OWN WORLD UB ARE FUCKING brown sticky stuff l00000000l

  6. gratz foe on #1 f2p

  7. Oh so you want a shot at the #1 P2P title? Scrap it out with the champions and try your luck. Pm coach#7291 on discord.

  8. "911 whats ur emergancy" answer: need ambulance for @iobssesion fast i think he in coma

  9. Foe has more applications open than UB pulled this sunday

  10. you'll do fookin nuttin

  11. @Simpler maybe change ur sig now that ure a rank

  12. imagine getting called beta by a potato masher kid LOL

  13. Winning at xlpc is like winning at the special olympics

  14. Today, 01:59 AM Shoan: what good clans did fi beat for that 10-0

  15. anyone seen fi's aftermath topic?

  16. i thought both clans get attacking round? why ub gotta cheat and attack first both rounds ?

  17. every day eat 1x fruit 1x vegetable for max clanning performance

  18. There is no more competition in the pure scene. We're strictly prepping main clans now. 

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