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Anchovy pizza swordfish

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Everything posted by Anchovy pizza swordfish

  1. Which clan do you think are like cockroaches, I.e. clans that never close in spite of slumping for like ever?
  2. Which rank in any clan do you think is the most dedicated, I.e. these ranks will never leave their clan in spite of the clan slumping
  3. List leaders who, after taking over, caused their clan to slump or close 1) holydreams of foe
  4. @Yikes! Idk if you realize that the boar lion pic... the boar is owning the lion.. and the lion is your mascot
  5. Fi have lost all the jcup fights since 2k12 Will 2k16 be their year? As wise victory said, you lose fights to win fights. Will this hold true for fi?
  6. It appears eop is on a 9 prep losing streak. Last year eop went on a 34 prep loss streak. Do you think the same thing will happen again?
  7. Lets predict the dc count of Foe members for today's full out!!!
  8. How come they never adapt and make the same mistakes all the time?
  9. Fi wants to be the old fatality. I guess it would mean the following: 1. Pulling 20s to weekends 2. Hiring mains from nippon q cc 3. Having their site hit offline for a month 4. Hiding in clan citadel during pk trips 5. Losing jcups Etc http://www.clan-fi.org/elites/topic/52665-lets-get-the-the-new-fatality-the-old-fatality/
  10. Fi knew that if they won all the clan awards it would be too suspicious so they rigged the troll awards instead
  11. Tom and Kyle were fi members when they suddenly left. Sounds like sleeper agent spy brown sticky stuff to me. There are no fi ranks except for 1 as mods so that fi can deny they run the site. Conincidence? I think not! Tyrone is a black man and he still hasn't been demoted on this racist white man site. Slush puppy is a known supporter of fi having leaked fi ips to fi ranks so they can ddos their own members during the jcup and claim a win Open your eyes everyone
  12. It is rumored that all 200k lines of #a52 has been leaked. Let us guess what fi ranks have been chatting up all this while..
  13. Will foe members follow the lead of fi members by unplugging their routers? Predict now!
  14. Thanks for taking my advice fi. Turning them heat up on eop

    1. Sybren


      yeah, now they're losing another rivalry - jeez how many more will they lose - oh boi oh boi - want diz klen close?

  15. Inspite of the fact eop was known to ddos, fi doesn't seem to know how to protect their members or use their jcup loss to hype up their weekends. It seems to me fi is unmotivated and doesn't deserve to be ranked amongst the great legacy clans
  16. Fi n tlp r disputing. Pls reply using template below of what their reasons mite b P.s. Added more space for fi
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