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Posts posted by Paddy

  1. Was way too easy, after a 4 hour fight i expected more, i guess thats what you get when your f2p based and VR isnt there to save you.


    Thanks for #1 P2P and F2P. Was way 2 ez.

    LOL, People are finally beginning to realize that TLP officials spam #vr-priv to get mains to help them in wild events. It's no coincident that whenever VR is busy with their own clan events TLP struggles to compete.

  2. Old wild like 2006/2007 was fun. People didn't care about obtaining the best gear possible. I'm getting headaches from even thinking about getting Castle Wars prep gear. Can only imagine how cauliflower it must have been Pre-EOC to get all the chaotics from dung, overloads, and all the other OP brown sticky stuff pures could get.

  3. Was a good win from us. It's clear we (FI) are a lot better in F2P than P2P. It's also clear that while we 3-0 FOE in F2P they 3-0 us in P2P. GF FOE



    Also lol @ all the retards in TLP mass clicking spades for 30 minutes straight. Nice life kiddos. The only thing that saved your clan from eternal damnation was the fact that you had 60 members get 30 def LOL.

  4. most teams do spears off cos they're cancer, not sure about necks though. would also rather not get smoked by them and try something new with other pure clans

    did one with eop today it was lots of fun, thx for the fight 

    Ya, I mean I just feel like Ph necklaces counter spears, and spears counter ph necklaces. If that makes sense. Anyone can tank with no spears necks on. If I remember correctly at least. I'd be down. Not sure how many Fi members would be though. Try pming some Fi ranks though.


    Everyone is so salty lol


    Just because the community "hates" him you think he doesn't deserve his rank.


    Being an admin in a community like this, if you're hated then you're doing something right. Just saying.


    He clearly isn't doing something right if he was suspended?

  6. Doom is the equivalent of ROT in the pure world.


    • Unmatched quality in clan wars and wildy
    • 30-0 in preps
    • Can fight the anti-Doom alliance (CD,AAO,Rage,Ruin,Jaja,Ws,Sv) day in day out UNDISPUTED--- RoT vs VR is always disputed.
    • Best leader - Mattbrazil_2? The kid doesn't even have a mic and he seems like a 12 year old with a power trip... don't forget he also left RoT for Corruption TWICE.
    • 4ners are welcome
    • Every1 is scared of the mighty red capes
    • Best tactics- 
    • Best banter- Dunno every clan has great banter
    • Can beat HPC's- Irrelevant to main clans
    • No invites--- No main clans invite anyway?
    • Doesn't Ddos,hack,dox-------- What? Rot brought Ddosing/doxing into the game in 2009... lol
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