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Dill Pickle

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Posts posted by Dill Pickle

  1. l000000000l









    Early on today we got word that Olympus had cancelled their trip knowing they can't step up and compete. They knew we would out smart, out pull & out play them in every aspect. So their easiest solution was to give up.




    This gave us a chance to bully the other brown sticky stuffters which helped Doom/OP in previous weeks, and slaughter for thinking it's smart to Ddos CD ranks. 


    Critical Damage starting: 90+ people

    Slaughter starting: 55 people (teamed with a level 50 pure clan)

    Envy starting: 30 people

    Sudden Death starting: 60 people



    CD Clearing the MPC Scene


    Critical Damage slamming Slaughter 80v100 np

    With spies in every clan it was ever so easy to switch between each clan over and over (in hope they would team on us). Half way through the trip Envy & Slaughter left the wilderness and set up a 30v30 fight in clan wars. Leaving CD victorious once again.


    Each of the 3 clans would hug single for nearly 2 hours, but being professional 1v1ers they got cleared up in singles with ease.


    We fought Slaughter 1v1 80 vs 120 (they teamed with PT) within 1 minute we had only dropped 3 members while they were down to 40 in game. Fight was easy as fuck.



















    Envy got bullied to Clan Wars lmfaooooo, also I heard they are literally making level 50 accounts cuz they can't compete at 70+. CD did this to you.

  2. Stfu broccoli u need 63 mains to even compete fuck u talking brown sticky stuff for tofu

    You retards massed up 130 randoms and couldn't even give us a 5 min fight. I guess you're just not cut out for Runescape pking, I suggest sticking to Minesweeper or some brown sticky stuff.

  3. i mean, alot of doom did join them =]


    nobodys scared of critical downies , know your place




    These CD kids are easy, since you want to team every weekend i'll have a surprise running at you. just remember, this is why you dont team/bring mains on olympus.

    We know our place, it is at the top of the MPC food chain, and your place is Edge, singles and Lumby.

  4. who's "these two" ?, last time i checked, you had a 20 pull last couple weekends, how did you pull 60 and all of sudden want to represent your clan? what's your next excuse? "we didnt go out for 4 months cause we were in team 7 capes" 


    lmfao, you team with AAO all day, olympus brown sticky stuffs on you kids every trip you have, so tell me, how is it you have about 60 on teamspeak 3 and like 200 ingame? hmm. that's pretty interesting.

    lmfao kid you wish you were olympus or doom, i remember seeing you switch to our cape when your clan got cleared and i camped you and you said "off im team" like bitch no lmfao just join us instead of being a wannabe you fucking tofu.

    No lie, I killed an OP kid and he legit dropped lobsters. Your members got dicked so hard they ran out of money to buy pizzas.

  5. there's 2 cuts in the video mate l0l00l0l0l

    just no1 took pics cuz the fights were that quick and we were busy killin ya'll until AAO rushed lmfao

    How much they paying you to rep their brown sticky stuff clan on this bundle of twigsgot-ass forum? 300k gp? You're really earning it I gotta hand it to you. OP got fucking bum-blasted and their main invites are probably crying to the leaders like "Boo Hoo my rune set! You guys bsed me!" Stay EZ broccoli.

  6. there's 2 cuts in the video mate l0l00l0l0l

    just no1 took pics cuz the fights were that quick and we were busy killin ya'll until AAO rushed lmfao


    ?? are you dumb? there's like 7 clans in your cape and uou have AAO crashing your fights with 60 teaming up against u. are you dizzy? LOL keep up the propaganda!

    Great damage control kid, you must have a lot of experience defending brown sticky stuff clans if you're in OP, becuz OP gets dicked every weekend.

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