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RU Smoky

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Status Updates posted by RU Smoky

  1. @Godfather inshallah you hang yourself on a bird snare bundle of twigsgot

  2. 5 inactivity topics on our anniversary.. fuck man @James why did u leave us.. we suck now

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Break


      better to keep within the confines of the LPC cap and keep under 75cmb so people can actually have fun, and theres already a main unit sniping vq in fights while ur fighting them so i guess thats also why you think that you are beating them i guess, but gj

    3. yteicoS


      lt #1 no question

    4. Break


      question - why is pure clanning not as good as it was in 2011

  3. looking for new mpc

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. IAmAGuyI


      Hes a troll account lmao

    3. Ryan..


      yeh rage closed ruin, come join the winning side :)

    4. Breach



  4. Looks like im leaving RU.. why u guys not let me join lt.. wtf

  5. whats LTS site? just left ruin, why wont they let me in lt & ruin at same time? WTF

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. smiley


      http://clan-lt.com/community/ sorry chrish is a broccoli brother but you can become a spartan now
    3. Kevv


      nobodys stopping u

    4. Kevv
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