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Status Updates posted by imafaggot

  1. The state i put chimperial in is quite hilarious, up to the extend of faking lb leaks lmfao

  2. Mfw when half of the chimperial members are rejects that got kicked from aao. From 110 to 52 in 1 week can confirm chimperial is dead

  3. Hey @Zeppke you prove once again, to be brain dead.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. imafaggot


      talk about being dead lmfao

    3. Zed_


      @Zookeeper u don't get to make the rules, you need to get better before you get to make rules against the #1 matched MPC. Btw aao pulls 20 LOOOOOL broccoli.

    4. imafaggot


      @Zeppke you know that you're not capable of taking people their forum ranks with mod cp lmfao?

  4. Chimperial can't handle the heat so they beg @Moni to delete every topic that states AAO asking for a prep in public

    1. Blue


      @Chimperial the zookeeper is coming

  5. Imperial ended already? the crumble to find 10 leaks. 4 Innocent members were kicked while theres ranks leaking lmfao.

  6. how does the self proclaimed '#1 p2p mpc' lose to aao in p2p down 2 lmfao clw clans.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. 17_


      l0l !seen aao wuu2

    3. imafaggot


      @17_ What lmfao, you brought more mains and still lost with a +10 was ez very ez. brown sticky stuff clan can't hang.

    4. LongShlong


      i heard aao is dead u dumb muppet

  7. Yo @Old Nox you can keep spewing propaganda but we asked you to re-schedule the prep, you cancelled it. Think you can win matched when you lose with +10? LOL

    1. Raccoon_187


      lmao if we get our asses kicked

      after talking this much brown sticky stuff

  8. Your clan closed broccoli, reopen and you'll get a prep.

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