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Posts posted by Hope

  1. I overheard [CP]Sam talking to Jobbers last night, this is what I heard.


    *user has entered your channel*

    *entire channel laughs when they see it's [CP]Sam*


    [CP]Sam - Hey Remy, Can I join Doom?

    Jobbers - What happened to LT?

    [CP]Sam - They're fucking dogbrown sticky stuff bro lmfao

    *Teamspeak channel starts laughing*

    [CP]Sam - So, can I join Doom?

    Jobbers - No.


    btw SK gonna get bodied outta t49 lmao

    lol this banter is fucking terrible. You do realize Sam and remy are in the same hpc right? You should be more worried on what clan to hop to next lmao
  2. You pulled 45, and you're forgetting i was officer in that clan just a month ago.. i know how it runs you pull 10-15 actual members (the only 10-15 ppl in the clan that like f2p) the 10 ranks nox has and then yuno mass invites his ppl that are loyal to him not the clan, and bc half the pull is invites after 1 hit or 30 mins of sitting in single the pull drops from 45 to 30-35... ik exactly how apex works you may be able to fool other ppl but not me sorry. and ruin isn't even an official mpc anymore if they tried to be I'm sure they could do just as good as apex or better.

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