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Posts posted by Moderator

  1. heard a few of our guys got hit off in our attacking round



    doesn't really matter we prob woulda gotten dicked by you guys anyways since we are basically an mpc with a handful of 100s.

    You literally mass trained 39 def and still complain about levels
  2. The difference between 29 and 30 is visible, are you blind?


    I hated the thought of 30 def but then I saw that nearly every pure clan has it except FOE so I had to get it to compete.

    Paddy you got 30 defence because you are fucking terrible. I'd honestly allow you to come to preps on a main because you'd still be the worst person in the portal
  3. Which rank in foe made the move to AC eop vs tlp fights instead of interfering.


    I actually applaud whichever rank made that topic. Instead of wasting 80 pulls just to lose they "AC" for tlp and eop which gets them clean fights vs brown sticky stuffter clans.



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