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Posts posted by Rinse

  1. s8cui6.gif

    Immortal set out with 38 warriors & maintained that the whole duration of the trip (good shit boys). 

    We started out fighting NRG in the wild just to have little azn Tom's (Xao Ming) team called Chiefs end up sniping us from the west, so we dipped north to corp & NRG ended up dipping the opposite way. Both ended at the same opts (31).

    After that, the whole xLPC scene ended up in Falador (stop doing this); with that said, we engaged in battle with xL whom had around 50 today & made them run like dogs east. Killed about 20 of them.


    Considering Immortal has completely slumped Divinity(they pulled 22 today,) we were able to get a 1v1 with NRG & ended up fighting them north of Falador and clearing them & their tanks to 1 item LMFAO. 

    Here's a vid: 

    After the NRG fight, Agent 4 of Divine informed us that they were upstairs in Falador Pub, we quickly went up the stairs with our scimitars and dicked them. RIP Divinity, you tried in this scene. 


    We decided to end with 36 WARRIORS once Energy knew they couldn't compete with us & began multi logging on their tanks. 


    Dear Energy:

    You've already been removed once for using Mains. Quit cancerizing the scene that we started to get AWAY from the mains. 

    Your whole rank staff is ex-FS. You're fooling no one in the pure community saying you don't have mains with you 24/7. 

    It's no secret this xLPC scene can't hang with Immortal. We've reduced you to one iteming and mains now twice. Be better. 






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