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SV Elve

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Posts posted by SV Elve

  1. i can tell a lot of effort was put into this topic and i hate to do this but.....




    you didnt do half as good as your proclaiming lmao.



    But YO its okay SV!!!! We all know what your doing ;P


    Trying to stay "Relevant"


    other then that

    Good Fight Sv.


    i can tell by your avatar your one brick short of a full load. if you know what i mean ;) if not ask your assistant in life to read it for you.

  2. i can tell a lot of effort was put into this topic and i hate to do this but.....




    you didnt do half as good as your proclaiming lmao.



    But YO its okay SV!!!! We all know what your doing ;P


    Trying to stay "Relevant"


    other then that

    Good Fight Sv.


    i can tell by your avatar your one brick short of a full load. if you know what i mean ;) if not ask your assistant in life to read it for you.

  3. i can tell a lot of effort was put into this topic and i hate to do this but.....




    you didnt do half as good as your proclaiming lmao.



    But YO its okay SV!!!! We all know what your doing ;P


    Trying to stay "Relevant"


    other then that

    Good Fight Sv.


    i can tell by your avatar your one brick short of a full load. if you know what i mean ;) if not ask your assistant in life to read it for you.

  4. How come you guys give RT fullouts but don't give us preps? And just because there are 3 cauliflower doom members with RT doesn't mean Doom was there. And you're not slumping us at all lmao. Actually i think you're slumping besides your pulls of random people from world 8 yall got nothing, no quality, you need to ts leak to even compete....once those randoms you guys recruit see what real quality is they will leave you guys to join a clan with actual quality. Stay ez.


    How come you guys give RT fullouts but don't give us preps? And just because there are 3 cauliflower doom members with RT doesn't mean Doom was there. And you're not slumping us at all lmao. Actually i think you're slumping besides your pulls of random people from world 8 yall got nothing, no quality, you need to ts leak to even compete....once those randoms you guys recruit see what real quality is they will leave you guys to join a clan with actual quality. Stay ez.


    your gonna starve for action, and on the weekend your gonna constantly get camped and hit by us...


    trust me mate, you wont have fun. ask olympus 

  5. You have just proved my point your that salty over a loss when doom couldn't care less it's a game your like children spitting there dummies out. Hopefully one day you will get out to the real world. Good luck young ones ask your parents for some rusks instead of feeding you all that salty seaman


    All this bullbrown sticky stuff about its just a game, your doing the same fucking thing everyone else is on this forum


    give your head a shake 

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