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Posts posted by Warface

  1. lmfao "compete with big clans" who are you competing with? op? it's their very first trip. cd? you just hold their hands every weekend until they decided to turn around and clear you yesterday several times. holy fuck i've never seen a clan so excited about a single prep and still refuse to give another lmao you've been brainwashed to fuck idk if there is even a brain left to save LOL


    pull your head out of your ass lmfao

    You're in an irrelevant clan dude, get over it.

  2.  Eh, your topics claim you "fully clear" us, when we never dropped below 40, every time we'd go out and get a "clean 1v1" against you guys, cd mains would be there, or CD would be there to crash and doom would still focus olympus.


     Not saying we won all of our fights, but doom claimed to be "policing the scene", yet they're doing nothing about CD?, I guess they only called multiple clans to help them with fearless because they were in a rivalry with them and needed help.


    Is this at any of the fights you have vs CD? or do they only use them on Olympus/Envy?


    Well, we pushed you guys to the dd-spot where you than stayed for a while after we left. These were the clean 1vs1's. However, I myself haven't encountered any CD mains hitting us in our fight against CD so I don't know what that's about. 

    Obviously if CD starts bringing lots of mains like Fs did, the pure community should do something about it.

  3.  It's obvious that any time we fought you CD would crash and focus us, in my video you can clearly see any instance where Olympus goes on corp hill or further, CD is there to help doom, and doom doesn't focus on CD on crash, they run north and snipe olympus. vice-versa, for a clan that "doesn't team with cd" it sure looks like it.



    Nice 5 minute video, I'm just gonna leave thsi here so you can watch more than 2 fights, and actually know what happens in the wilderness, any time Olympus went on corp hill or farther you teamed with critical damage



    That video literally shows you losing to Doom dude wtf lmfao... as you can see, Olympus was pushed into the single-strip DD-spot inside the trees and camped it. Also, since there's no cape-counter in your video while my video does have a cape-counter, it makes your vid not worthy. If you check my POV you can see OP drop to 40 in the first fight before they camp the singles DD-spot and in the second fight they drop to 25 before quickly DD'ing in the singles spot.


    There's no shame in accepting a loss dude.. lol.




    Doesn't make sense lmfao, Doom pull 60-65 to P2P Fridays and 70-80 to F2P Saturdays and Sundays and compete with the big clans while Fearless their pulls drastically decreased after being slammed 3-0 by Doom. Now you're gonna tell me this ain't photoshopped? lmfaoo

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