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Koed Beastly

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Posts posted by Koed Beastly

  1. If you still haven't read my original topic: http://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/topic/29125-new-pure-clan-classification-the-solution-to-mains/


    I am pleased with the response to the original update. Organically, 1 def is currently the best PVP build below 80~ combat, and I am delighted that majority of you are on the same viewport as Sharkbrew.


    While the clan classification update solves the problem of mains in the wildy by naturally reducing the combat levels, thus making LPCs/MPCs less susceptible to mains at mid-tier wilderness, there is the issue of clan wars events.


    The goal is to standardized prep/mini guidelines that will make it easier for clans to get events with each other(These guidelines are not absolute and clans are free to negotiate their own rules)



    For the following:



    I'll need your feedback on what should be the standardized rules



    Use the below template:




    1. No overs, =<60 combat cap, 1 def armor

    Seems okay for me




    1. No overs =< 60 combat cap, 1 def armor
    2. Overs on =< 75 combat, 1 def armor

    1-5 defence




    1. Overs on =< 75 combat, 1 def armor
    2. Overs on =< 88 combat and 1 -20 defence.




    Everyone < 39 defence.



    Personally I have some doubts towards this classification since you put a maxed out 1 defence (cb level 101) under the LPC / MPC community in terms of wilderness pking.

    For clanning caps can be used as stated by slushpuppy


    Classification by defence instead of combat level doesnt just seems the answer for me. 

    We used the classification by combat since the beginning so why changing it?

    And if you change it what other problems will turn up?


    It looks like it's a cure for a sympthom rather then facing the actuall problem.

    I know in the past huge efforts and attempts have been made to keep the pure scene clean and keep the mains at home.

  2. 5_logov3.png


    What is your real life name?

    What are your hobbies?


    What is your RuneScape history?

    - Multiple pure clans pre-eoc

    - Supreme 0wnage (warlord, council)

    What are your goals for your RuneScape account?

    maxed 1 def

    What clan are you in?



    Anything else:
    3AT's mein fuhrer

    Zee kev is hash1 Canadian

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