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Posts posted by Westbrook`

  1. Most likely were going to steam roll the SK + Remedy alliance very easily you guys are a bunch of fucking retards who can't lead for your life, but even if we do lose you should know xL is going to smash directly through the Ice Berg and fucking close ur brown sticky stuff clans again and make u merge to another clan #get good

    xL has some pretty good members, and a decent council. IMO you should just merge into an actual clan and let them reach their full potential 

  2. Wildy Saturday 


    SV-> out pulled

    Doom-> #2 goes to rivals of #1

    AAO-> I think they beat OP? not sure about this one

    OP-> read above

    CD-> They just sniped with SV capes lol




    Vitality-> out pulled below, and cleared

    xL-> #2 goes to competitor of #1

    Extinct -> they pulled low today

    Apex-> Lost to above 

  3. hmm alright, so  you complain about xl and envy teaming but yet you and remedy had to do the same thing which is  merge together just to make a new clan to compete.

    Bruh we didn't merge you dip brown sticky stuff, I already knew Remedy was gonna have to close because I was gonna be very inactive and all the other ranks were snakes aka RK. Vitality was the name SK choose to rename themselves so they can rebrand and start fresh.  I just closed Remedy and referred everyone who was in the clan to VT, at first not many joined and were very unhappy but as the days progressed more and more rolled with because they knew what I did was for the best. I'm the only ex Remedy rank who is a council + rank in VT. 

  4. Dw we kinda respect xL, you guys are always down for action etc even being down the flame is just banter all clans do it, its EnVy we mostly hate for the brown sticky stuff they do to us in the off game basis. I can't wait to smash them in a clan 1v1 prep this Tuesday 

    Pretty much this, xL is always a clean clan. We talk brown sticky stuff in the in game basic but they I don't take brown sticky stuff out of the game that much (except for when you guys told that BOS NA kid saying I ddos'd him when I was at a college football game l0l) That kid was telling me how he's gonna call the cops and how he got my real life name ETC ahahah 

  5. ty for prep @@extinct, always a pleasure fighting my old friends <3 


    Remedy, Curse, and Risk Takers are the only LPCS that started off from scratch (less then 5 starting members/ and no experienced ranks) and made successful communities out of it


    Other two special shoutouts that kinda did something similar to us but not quite:


    Olympus-> Activation/Nemesis

    EnVy-> BV

  6. Rk is a team and have members in doom, you also forgot to mention that when we massed we hit you down 10 and still cleared you and was ezzzzz, thanks for loot but you're brown sticky stuff


    Also shoutout for you for kicking half your clan when we was hitting you every time you stepped out of corp

    I don&#39;t hate you but your clan aswell 

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