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Everything posted by DLPHN GANG

  1. imagine feeling the need to defend your clan on sharkbrew by stating you won WCOTM award because you gotta post topics every day of a one trip/one fight vid.. lmao. Going 50-60cb and you haven't even won a full weekend with RP in that scene so please un-staple that L off of your forehead lil bro
  2. OB's plan of action: - Start EOP invites - Mandatory inners every day leading up to event, even with their own tanks they deny having when in wildy - Practice cape-switching - Ensure they have enough ts3 leaks - DDOS all of the callers Lmk if missing anything
  3. no idea but we finna win regardless so
  4. I was on lunch break lmfao chill tf out little boy scroll down and see who's read the topic before blowing up my notifs Confirmed. No prayer. Confirmed.
  5. We do have midweeks, they're just at a later time zone you incompetent peanut brain Yet you have 10 leaks in us and u still getting rekt lmao That's why a6 won't reply to my prep declaration
  6. I need some Pepto-Bismol I just took a really runny Outburst :/

  7. How have we gotten bullied out of the scene please use evidence or sit there and be a nobody in a nobody clan Haha awee now he's trying to take personal shots, lmfao stay losing kid
  8. bro you've taken far too many addy arrows to the head wtf are you actually talking about lmao When have you ever beat vio/rp in a prep? post the pics let's see the proof wit yo dumbass
  9. We've smoked u every weekend in the new xlpc ERA Prep us Saturday, or i'll even do Sunday for you 30min, 60 cap.
  10. STFU kid plz stop talking you look so broccolied on here talking about OB all of the time if you care so much about EOP Rampage bullied you all weekend as well - so imagine claiming the #1 xlpc after posting a losing topic Saturday, and not even posting a topic Sunday.
  11. lmao who u fighting in 308 if we aren't there since u buddy buddy wit OB now?
  12. @ work Monday morning still high from smoking OB all weekend

  13. Bro I haven't seen Ascent in wild other than this weekend since 3 months ago when u closed for the 16th time
  14. We had +4 opts let’s not get ahead of ourselves And we always fight you down opts so pipe down you don’t get any credit
  15. New era told you Outburst lmao stop flaming and we wouldn't care about no SB drama

  16. I heard EOP lost.. Then OB... lmaoo

  17. OB ts3 audio leak coming soon ft. "off RT and Ascent"

  18. RP vs XLPC lmaoooooo 4v1 ???? hahahahhahah OB TRASH

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