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Posts posted by Witchcraft

  1. On 7/17/2013 at 5:37 AM, Pog said:

    I'm 70 attack, whip is really good but I'm trying not to get my attack up too high using it.


    Try using Dhaorks Greataxe too, it hits extremely high and it's epic for smiting people.

    Could always main blessed SS. You'd be 80 att in no time by pking with whip

  2. I got given a usb drive with pk videos back in 2005. One featured this pure called 0 Aggressor 0, he eventually went 70 def.
    I've always remembered him for some reason though. basically the reason I got into pking.
    (I think he may have been in one of the big pure clans of the time.. Haven't been able to find any info on him online though.)

  3. Problem

    What is the problem?

    This is more a proposed "quality of life/user experience" tweak and less of a problem as such (maybe just low priority).

    Inconsistency: Players have to loot Eth dropped by players. Players do NOT have to loot Eth dropped by revs. 

    How does it affect clanning?

    I guess the "Problem" doesn't really affect clanning but I feel like the solution would affect clan midweek rev trips/rev pkris in a (minor) positive way 

    Additional effects and notes

    Solution would mean less looting more pking.

    Solution would mean rev trips/rev pkris would be easier I guess?




    Allow Eth brace to absorb all Ethereum a player is holding when they're killed. This could even extend to all of the Ethereum currently held in their equipped brace.





  4. What is your IRL name or nickname?

    (been lurking for ages... thought it was time to intro seeing as I've joined a clan)

    What are your web/gaming interests?

    Have played CS 1.6 through to CSGO and recently got into competitive play but stopped when I began scaping agin recently.
    Interested in most things web as  my day job revolves around it.

    Do you have any IRL hobbies?

    Currently teaching myself programming/learning through my job.
    Also teaching myself to speak Russian.
    Other than that job, gf and scape keep me pretty busy.


    Are you a clanner? If so, which clan? If not, are you interested in clanning?

    New member of Misfits
    first time in a clan (have been solo pking since '06 with extended breaks over the years)

    Do you have a RuneScape account? If so, show us.

    (ignore the ovl boosts, was nmzing whilst writing this)

    My 1 def which I play the most:

    60 att piety:

    and I've also got a 75 att zerk which is mostly finished

    What are your goals with your account or clanning career?

    Basically just want to get involved in the scene as much as possible. It adds a whole other dimension to pking which has been really fun so far.
    Want to max my pure, make the core misfits clw team and get a lot better at bridding. Maybe one day learn to lead/call on trips


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