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Everything posted by Dzeko

  1. hahahahahahahaha you funny rat got smoked up 4 ppl LMFAO u suck at calling btw
  2. it's because you don't know how to eat your food HEUEHEUEH
  3. We were having some fun messing around at fally when we got word Envy rats were massing up to try and hit us. We ended up pushing the rats into fally bank and forced them to log out and crawl back into their holes. Until next time rats #qualityoverquantity
  4. "you guys were attacking Ascent Ti---- ASCENT TITANNNNN" "CLUMP UP AT THE LAALALLA LINES"
  5. you must have a great life... sitting on SB when you aint home LMFAO... like father elmir like little baby faze
  6. ouch.... you're the one that gets bullied by your own officials? you're home schooled loner
  7. LMAOOOOO take it back to fally 2nd floor of shield shop and ask who was calling... when you got trashed bud.. and I didn't call yest, tyvm
  8. that why you cry about losing a 100m stake in EV ts? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  9. Wasn't going to do this but you puppies kept running your mouths so I put a little something together... must suck to get shit talked by your own official LOLO.
  10. go get your 2-3 daily recruits or kicked LOL
  11. you must feel bad when your own officials talk shit about you l0l0lts leaks coming soon
  12. stay tuned for envy to rename their clan again and get a fresh start l0000000
  13. back to edge buddy make sure you get 2-3 recruits!
  14. We got intel that Envy was out spamming constantly like they always do and waited for them to rush us,, which they never did. Envy had the nerve to walk up to corp hill, which left them retreating to ca within minutes where we dropped them 1 by 1. Ca soon became filled with multiple clans but we continued to focus Envy and clear the trash out the wild. Moments later we had Envy hopping to world 1 and then logging out and ending their poor trip completely because their members were out of sets. Later a fight was setup with Ascent, and we found out Rampage had rushed Ascent at 13 ports therefore we logged in and got some action, clearing both clans out of the wilderness. Back to mass recruiting envy rats
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