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Posts posted by Briand

  1. 15 hours ago, Colin said:

    Borzor isn’t even in FOE. Austins gone now. So give me a valid reason for stepping into a scene of pures and hitting them other than you have nothing going for you in the main clanning scene. If FOE serves that much of a threat to you as a pure clan I think that says a lot. Why don’t you make pures and hit us? We don’t need mains.

    im not rot but i've been in the main clan scene long enough to know how they operate. if they hit your trips and crash you, your officials either didn't do what they asked or they snaked them, or maybe even both. if that's the case you ask them what you need to do for them to leave you alone or fight them with any means necessary (not out of game tactics though because that would put you in the same bracket as them)

    i don't think foe gives them any threat, they just do it to punish you for your leadership's mistakes

    15 hours ago, xyp9x said:

    Delusional kid just shut up will you? You embarrase yourself. Imagine being a main clan trying to start beef with  a PURE CLAN, l0l. Rot got bullied out of DMM, bullied out of the main scene , now FOE will bully em out of the pure scene, sheeeeeeesh! 

    you call me delusional yet you think foe will do anything to rot. talk about irony.

  2. 51 minutes ago, Colin said:

    You’re a fucking loser lmao. Anything you say is irrelevant when you’re hitting a pure on a main. RoT haven’t won a single fight vs FOE anyway. 

    ? they are bragging about having loads of mains so they might as well go fight rot on those. considering rot most likely won't stop crashing them after 1 or 2 of their members thought they would be coolest kids on the block and doxed a rot member, that's the best they got.

    i don't know what fights you're talking about - the only times they fought back against them, they got cleared off the map or suicided for 4 hours (yesterday) pretty sure one of their members died like 250 times yesterday lol

  3. Just now, Sparze said:

     VR closed rot in 2011, do you want pictures of their closing topic? 


    VR always wins  

    are you a liverpool fan? might want to stop clinging on history and look at present. rot has been a top f2p and p2p clan for the entire osrs era while vr has had 2 failed merges and is currently an open cc xD

  4. 12 minutes ago, Sparze said:

    lmao ROT so trash stay in ur moms basements. LOL lead by a Brazilian MUTE who cant use mic because he sounds more 4ner than your local 7 11 cashier 

    didn't rot turn vr into a open cc?

  5. 1 hour ago, kyleG said:

    LOL why make such a bigg fuzz about it. FOE last weekends still clearing apex and raping kids even while getting ragg by regein of twitter , FOE still get most action  in the wildy then any other pure clan.

    . like its the first time foe was  up against mains (90 mains eop+jaja at gdz still lost) the fact RoT went from geared to one item very quick pretty much sums it up/


    rot is just a retarded if they are forcing people to not join any clan that is anti rot its god dam 2019 , telling people to ban doxer out of a clan is one thing. but ragg cause some members have a main in another clan is just fcking retarded .


    if you think beating eop (mainly pures with few mains) and jaja (20 randoms in full mithril) in gdz is a benchmark then just lmfao dude. there is a reason why foe didn't go above chaos altar after they got sent running like bunch of dogs at gap in f2p and then slaughtered at sperm hill the next day in p2p.

    it's retarded to think austin would get a free pass in pure scene after crashing and 1 iteming rot with his main clan and they would do nothing about it lol. they warned him what the consequences would be if he continued to do what he did and yet he still did the same snaking rot in the process. they would have left u off the hook after austin got removed but after one of the brainlets in your clan doxed a rot member i'd assume they'll bury your clan six feet deep and there is literally nothing you can do about it

  6. 1 hour ago, Joy said:

    You must be really ignorant on the current state of the clan world LOL

    how is it ignorant when they literally ask you to bring more clans so you don't insta tele or last more than 5 minutes?

    it's ignorant to think your clan is the dog's bollocks and you don't run and tele to regear in ballista rag/1 item in sight of 1 rot member LOL (which is what happened yesterday before they wiped you off the atlas after you regeared in addy)

    you must be one of their GE recruits if you think otherwise lol

  7. 2 minutes ago, Alan Rickman said:

    I'm actually confused what you're trying to insinuate here, no outcome is funny or witty. It's just stupid...

    just wondering why your clan's balls drop when you tele after seeing 1 sv (who wasn't even sv) alongside rot after you spammed "call sv" to them :blobthinkhard:

  8. 13 minutes ago, H I T T A said:

    Just let foe close them like they do everyone else. 

    Rot knows their cheap flimsy chump style of clanning is inadequate to the likes of FL and other main clans that are hurting their feelings, so they gotta get in where they can fit in. A silly attempt to feel relevant and nothing more. 


    i mean, considering rot closed fl (their 5 remaining members who actually play rs bailed to rev), turned df into a ballista rushing clan, rev into a 1 item clan and jaja into a 10 man lgbt community, they will now have a new pastime

    gonna save this post as well because it will be funny to read it later after they split foe in half lol

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