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Posts posted by malo

  1. Wildy has always been more relevant for pure canning. Fo probably think otherwise but that's only because they have never been a good wildy clan. And Malo don't even start with us needing numbers or mains... we get snipe by way more mains than fo does, and are you forgetting those 3 or 4 weeks where we wrecked your clan on Saturdays despite us being down 5 or 10? Or that 65v65 where we lost literally nobody? Face it, you guys suck in the wildy lol.

    lol have u even won a fullout

  2. I'm not sure how a clan like fo, who have always been irrelevant in f2p wildy, can claim #1 f2p on weekends and say gl Saturday etc. then when the time comes they run and hide in p2p and still get cleared, and still claim they won. What an embarrassment.

    lol we all know foe carroted eop for years. foes already beaten you in 3 matched preps in your own server yet you still claim to be better. the way i see it is you either need the + on them or the mains to help your ded clan. prep foe again n die pls 

  3. All these 2k15 foe new bundle of twigss are too pussy to even make an acc with their proper RSN so they took to the footsteps of the troll accs, yet their trolling is worst than these 2k15 trolls. Looks like their Jimmie are still rustled from Saturday when they got bullied by f2p gear.

    hey nice prep record L O L

  4. A little banter & brown sticky stuff talk is quite common when clans are in a "rivalry" but that doesn't mean you have to turn into a complete broccoli & post brown sticky stuff that doesn't even make any sense.

    Either way, i think you should ditch this account and use ur real forum account @

    how comes ur not prepping foe p2p/f2p

  5. I think you'll find before the last weekend we were smashing Fi even opts or even outopt'd every week for the last 2 and a half months lmao.


    Also I guess you're forgetting we've beaten everyone in f2p preps recently and are on a long unbeaten streak.


    The idiocy.

    rekt ;p

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