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Th3 0mfg0rz

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Status Updates posted by Th3 0mfg0rz

  1. @jizzle can rage come out and play i need to do my slay task


    1. YourClanGotBodied


      Pretty dumb post...do you really think they are able to pull 96 pures? 

  2. Hey Rage, saw you had a great trip. I'm sure the videos of you teleporting to edge for 6 minutes straight will be very exciting! Pulling 60 is pretty impressive for a clan that's 5 months old, but you ended with only 24. That's a 60% drop. Yikes! Not a good look! I'd try to explain clanning tactics to you but unfortunately your leaders are dogshit mongoloids with a combined IQ of 43. A man can dream and hope that you won't suck in 2020, but I think we both know better. LMAO. Would be funny if it wasn't so depressing. Also half of your members can't spell and the other half doesn't even bother spamming your awkward "spams". If mad please refer to my Jcup statue :slight_smile:

  3. W369 was walking up to fi mass yday yet they claim they had no mains a30c706c44e542298204be5e2256fc45.png

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