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2019 Content Survey

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2019 Content Survey


June 22 2018
2019 Content Survey

It's been nearly two years since the last Old School Priority Poll, and as the playerbase has grown substantially since then, we'd like to see what content the Old School community is most interested in. This survey will help us determine where the priorities of the community are.

Previous polls were a lot simpler in format and tended to pitch specific updates. This survey is designed to be able to capture much more information, and offer you the chance to pitch us the content that you'd like to see.

The survey itself should take no more than 20 minutes of your time. We'll also be emailing the survey to those of you who have opted into receiving communications from us (via the Email and Communication Preferences tab in your Account Settings), so don't be alarmed if you receive an email from us, but do follow the security advice we offer for phishing websites and suspicious emails!

Take the 2019 Content Survey today!

Lastly, a huge thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. Your input is incredibly valuable to Old School, and you should feel confident that your voice helps to shape the direction of the game.


Mods Archie, Ash, Ayiza, Bruno, Curse, Ed, Ghost, Jed, John C, Kieren, Lenny, Lottie, Mat K, Maz, Munro, Roq, Ry, Stone, Sween, Weath, West & Wolf

The Old School Team

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