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Fanta Orange

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    Lmfao dead game

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  1. Oh so you stressed out for nothing I heard? Stfu, brown kid its not like ur father answered the phone and confirmed everything. Not to forget the other brown kids dox is legit on www.192.com, you have nothing i'll run a swat team to your house and you can't do anything about it.
  2. So my avatar is bhamra attarpal aka iobsession, > http://i.imgur.com/fQdgpBu.png thats his best friend sharkbrew legend aka tesco aka salmon shakeel. If we reach 50+ replies we will call immigration service and send them back to the middle eastern country they came from.

    1. Dad


      K99999999999K GET FUCKED L0L

  3. salmon shakeel, In fact it is you, elvy already had your dad on the phonelmfao stfu with your over sized clothes disgusting.
  4. why are you posting severance's teamspeak IP, is it to hard to go into a public teamspeak? ur not worthy for me to reset my router or hop on a vpn mr mini war ddoser. < public gaming teamspeak feel free to post another.
  5. I find it amusing how you're hiding from the truth. Didn't we give you an offer to actually check it out if @ was infact all alone? You think because nobody comes on brown sticky stuffty sharkbrew he's alone? That's actually quite shocking even from you. When will you pussies see the truth and realise there is major gap between you and us. You two are infact rejects, the community does not like you or want you. The truth is quite clear coming from several replies and several rejections you have been given over the last year lmao. Meet me on a teamspeak server and we can face the truth.
  6. Closing massacre like 8 times, than killing some zenith clan. The face I made when I saw some ugly tlp kid came in begging my main clan to help them [:^/ yh i've been killing you for a while now. Ultama and zeppke killed severance when I wasn't here heard it took them only one month! just take the L ur losing pretty bad.
  7. what teamspeak u wanna come and i'll show you who it is pussy, been killing your dumbass for years now don't get traumatized by this tho.
  8. ModCP can't check IP's you must be extremely broccolied if you think you could, keep guessing who I am but I doubt you come far since nobody likes you two !!! I'm on teamspeak with zeppke, would say more but I don't want to scare you away like always :/ Iobsession you gonna stfu now bhamra attarpal, dumb whisper indian.
  9. Rofl @ look at this brown sticky stuff, none of them are replying to me????? Looks like pepsi wins again, dumb freaks are currently high lighting eachother on IRC with the topic link cus their fukin pussy bundle of twigsgots who won't come on the mic.
  10. Yo stfu salmon shakeel, go register on hacking.rs again matches your SV/TLP IP-Adress. Btw bhamra attarpal if i get banned it means its you remb that quote fuker.
  11. Hey look at my avatar, its my iobession aka bhamra attarpal gotta wear my durag because i get sweaty after my IRC session where i flame and ddos people over my mini war losses !!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Axis



    3. Zed_


      Rofl they just took another L

    4. Slaughter_Abdullah
  12. Hey, if thats not Iobsession aka bhamra attarpal the notorious rsps mini ddoser !! You know your entire dox with your family and all is live on www.192.com same goes from salmon shakeel over here whoever the fuck that random is.
  13. @Ash u sit here talking i'm not mark, but you won't come on teamspeak to verify? What the fuck man, still haven't hit puberty yet? Damn you really lied about your age didn't you.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Zed_



    3. Koso


      @Zeppke talking to yourself again wouter

    4. bigmanting
  14. Wow lmfao deleting status updates in 2k16? Lemme re-make it, iobsession got a booter for ramadan to ddos kids on a pserver. Brown boy hugs his saradomin whisper during trips for a life time virginity protection.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Zed_


      :'( no friends, big talk from the biggest mutes and keyboard thugs. Sick reputations you got there lmfao.


      Talking about recycled flames, fact you even consider sharkbrew as flame LOOOOL k9k9k9k

    3. Ash


      zeppke I can't hear u raging behind those big clouds of Vape broccoli try again spasticated punching bag

    4. iObsession


      bye @Zeppke cleared tomato

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