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Rag Sets

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Everything posted by Rag Sets

  1. Another fake ending.. damn... calling me a bot as an excuse to leave :X
  2. Victim List (many fo members gave up very quickly, one member "pulsate" peaked for his clan at 16 hours, only to fall asleep after losing his crystal bow), shoutout to "no ask" for losing 3 +1s in an hour. Faking ending pics (their last attempt at trying to end). They even ran away leaving me with HP. As you can see by runelite's own timestamps, I respond within the same minute of their end spam. Very awkward. Multiple other *ending* attempts (they would run south west and return 5-10mins later, lol...) Spamming their FC in a hope to get them to return, which they refuse I'd post more, but I think this level 50 fo member~ or whatever they had come sums it up best as he logs out. Delusional danny material right there. Says "we win" as he gives up. Very easy Was easy btw, fo let me know if you want the clip of you running SW to log out while I'm stood at gdz, which of course happened more than once.
  3. Eboys and and some other fo random returning after their 3rd break
  4. Rendering video clip shortly. Thanks foe for being victimized for over 40 hours! I'll be sure to post another 5+ fake endings you guys tried to pull , such as this:
  5. Imagine having 30+ people shifting and still losing to two members.. Yikes... All I hear is excuses when I spammed your fc and still nobody returned.. White dot is "Rumors" btw
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