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Everything posted by Figment

  1. Awesome to see. Best of luck to you TLP.
  2. Watch out for the member "Demur" he's very ignorant and childish. banned from Vendetta might be headed your way.

    1. suzy6speed


      I recruited him to the pure community. He's joining rd, thanks for the heads up though!

  3. Negativity brings us nowhere aswell, rather go into 2015 with our heads high and on a positive note.
  4. phtp were a fun way of training.
  5. Some of the members we have recruited are new to pure clanning and that member has been told to change his setup next time. I don't expect the people of my clan who are new to this to know everything. Practice makes perfect.
  6. Those mains were purple dots on your video tho?
  7. Thank you for the fight was fun either way, hopefully we can schedule cleaner fights in the future.
  8. Trying to hard? I was simply confused and even stated I didn't mean anything rude by it... I had just watched your newest video on sharkbrew and saw carnage on OSRS and simply was curious.
  9. Excuse me i don't mean to be rude or come off a jerk but im abit confused it says member of 2 different clans? carnage/supremacy and then your lpc so a total of 3?
  10. Congrats, good to see another pure max! Merry Christmas.
  11. Numbers are in the vid, it's whatever. But thank you for the fight was fun and lasted a minute!
  12. Vendetta is a new clan hasn't been out long and hasn't grown all the way up yet. Confronting someone in an ignorant way isn't necessary.
  13. they had around 7 or 8 and we had around 9, wasn't out opted critically.
  14. I don't see why I'm a "broccoli" nor why flaming me is necessary. I asked a few people and they said these members belonged to SKO, if it's not SKO just simply message me discussing that I have labeled the wrong clan. I have nothing against sko and think there a decent clan.
  15. Vendetta go on a fun trip to lava dragons where we had a battle with who we though to be SKO and maybe some friends of theirs. Seemed to be closely matched but they began to lose the fight, respect to the group for still returning in gear to fight and thank you for the action.
  16. Hey! welcome to sharkbrew! Would love to see more of your gfx really like the havoc sig.
  17. was passing by scouting for my clan saw your spam towers : http://gyazo.com/f6f2d199d5b72c211f9fb0ceb50deb3b goodjob eop.
  18. Name: Christmas event 2014 by Fig Category: Runescape 2007/Legacy Pking Videos Date Added: 18 December 2014 - 02:07 PM Submitter: Figment Short Description: 2014 holiday event View Video
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