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fact check

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Everything posted by fact check

  1. Fel led the charge that will reduce Apex's Sunday pull by 10 for next week. Many Apex members have personally vowed to me that they will not be fooled as SV, EZ,TS,DK were.
  2. Not a single reply on how Apex is the new SV. Tighter and tighter the leash gets. When Apex gets choked out for their memberslist I will be dining in Havana and ordering only expensive olives.
  3. I've seen 3 futures, and all of them involve apex closing into their masters, while 80% of their ml are too much of a spy risk to allow in. They will regress to Zenith.
  4. Apex is the new sv. Nice and docile, easy to put a leash on. They won't ns clumpa anymore (or their pure rivals), why is this no longer permitted sweet sister.
  5. supremacy and foe will wear apex capes while getting farmed with them
  6. apex will spend their time running away from us at their single regroups
  7. should remind minions reading this that it is expected your masters be fully massed at ready at 3PM est/8PM gmt on saturday
  8. Looking forward to the weekly potluck pre-saturday trip. So much to work with after all of this gear was collected.
  9. POV apex: your alliance has 20 people left ingame, but they are told they are not permitted to leave. Rot leaves, doesn't tell apex.
  10. Clumpa clan bank has reached new heights, we will be splurging.
  11. Nox starting to think Dull is a Clumpa agent, forcing them to suicide apex into clumpa like they made SV do.
  12. 3pm est/8pm gmt sharp next saturday or apex and zenith might close

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