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Elve last won the day on August 28 2018

Elve had the most liked content!

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  1. @Jus10 We positioned ourselves under them and waited for them to call a world echoed LIVE on teamspeak, Once the call was made we logged into their world and within seconds we logged in and cleared them. We sent brazil screaming to goto edgeville and after we followed them to edge and started flaming them their teamspeak went silent and the spy paranoia finally set in. After about 10 minutes of ranks pming eachother while they sat in a channel NOT SPEAKING..... They finally got enough courage to go back out and once again we logged in and smoked them within seconds. Teamspeak would once again go silent as we laughed and listened.... Brazil's next plan was to PM Clumpa/Heros for help once he realized collectively both of them had 10.... He ended his trip after 45 minutes. WHY THE FUCK WERE YOU SILENT THE ENTIRE TIME YOUR TEAMSPEAK WAS SILENT?
  2. MOST ACTIVE - BEST COMMUNITY - #1 PKING PURE CLAN FORUMS | TEAMSPEAK | DISCORD We heard Fatality was massing up for a PK Trip after they were singles with 10 people, We instantly massed up and went to hit them repeatedly. Knowing they would die and teleport on sight we disguised ourselves as Vennies and went to every single one of their locations. We ended up hitting them x10.. They would mass poke teamspeak several times "TEAMS OUT" and would eventually peak at 19 Suicidal Fatality members and their leadership would repeatedly log in to get cleared and after a short hour and what felt like 100 regroups, They called it a trip and ended on a terrible note after they teamed with heros and tried to take a fake ending at 26 hill while fight was at level 30 wilderness. l0l.
  4. MOST ACTIVE - BEST COMMUNITY - #1 PKING PURE CLAN FORUMS | TEAMSPEAK | DISCORD We heard Fatality was massing up for a PK Trip and slowly we waited for over an 30 minutes for them to slowly slowly gain to 15 Fatality Members..... We knew the time was right and we quickly massed poked and instantly massed up 30 Zenith Members in 5 minutes to go repeatedly delete weak ass leader @brazil from the wilderness. We positioned ourselves under them and waited for them to call a world echoed LIVE on teamspeak, Once the call was made we logged into their world and within seconds we logged in and cleared them. We sent brazil screaming to goto edgeville and after we followed them to edge and started flaming them their teamspeak went silent and the spy paranoia finally set in. After about 10 minutes of ranks pming eachother while they sat in a channel NOT SPEAKING..... They finally got enough courage to go back out and once again we logged in and smoked them within seconds. Teamspeak would once again go silent as we laughed and listened.... Brazil's next plan was to PM Clumpa/Heros for help once he realized collectively both of them had 10.... He ended his trip after 45 minutes.
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