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Everything posted by Erik

  1. You guys got bullied all the way from Maze, to GDZ. You tried mass-returning and got destroyed again. Nice try though.
  2. Literally been laughing at this since upload lmfao
  3. Are you dizzy bruh MAINS CRASH: We looking bigger than 5 people atm bruh
  4. Did you watch my video? Clear evidence of what happened this fine Sunday trip.
  5. Go ahead and tell them for me.
  6. Cry me a river son, every trip will always be full of mains, but they are from MAIN CLANS. They are not supposed to be with Pure Clans, like yours is. If your Fatality rival decides to do the same to you to show you what it's like getting camped by mains, so be it. But you started bringing mains with your Pure Clan from the start, I remember that from back in the day you slumped lol.
  7. l00000000000000000000000000000l
  8. The problem is, the weeks/months before this there has been no need to AC because your clan brought mains even from the start just to kill pures. Now when other clans seem to be using the same tactic to piss you off, it suddenly is a huge problem to you? Logic bruv.
  9. I read it all bae. It's still not a secret that all of your trips are packed with mains. Your clan started it, you've pissed SV off, deal with it like a pure clan should, with your pures.
  10. So had I and our pull is twice as low as yours lol. It's not an achievement not to die, it's knowledge and playing smart. OT: Good job on your trip tho EOP. But seriously, you really need to get rid of your mains. It's getting embarassing and as "#1" you shouldn't really need them.
  11. P2P Sundayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  12. Oh my god. I think I fought CP like maximum 10 times in the time of one year of clanning with Control? I never missed a Sunday even when I was sick irl. All I remember was you giving false positions/not responding. Be quiet, everybody knows CP was hopeless in P2P.
  13. It's not just one victory though. Look at the other weekends, and look at prep records. Redemption has the best prep record in F2P of all clans.
  14. If this is JT/Savage, omg you have turned into a complete broccoli lol. EOP is the clan that has the biggest pulls - therefore EOP should need the most action, yet they very often decline preps against us and many other clans to rely on their +40/+20 pulls in the wildy instead. Your leadership clearly doesn't tell their members the true story. Good luck next week.
  15. Are you really saying that right now lmfao? When Control was still around, your clan had a 0-28 Prep record and you got Walked to single every weekend. Don't you remember Mr Ko X? He Made millions Leaking to us for months, and you blind people wanted to Promote him to a rank l000l Control was the best MPC, we closed because there wasn't an idea to keep chasing EOP and CP in single. You just couldn't compete mate.
  17. Have a look, all I see is EOP assuming that Redemption will team with Fatality, when infact, we did the opposite and fought Fatality. If you look at 15 seconds into the video you can also see the whole of your clan running away, logging out. Then again, if you look behind Redemption, you will see Fatality attacking us, not EOP. Get your head straight boy, Fatality and Redemption didn't team.
  18. What clan do you think I am in? Because it's certainly not Fatality.
  19. Me and @@Couck are not in the same clan?
  20. What the fuck are you on about? We fought against Fatality at GDZ and your clan dipped.
  21. I'm talking from a neutral position, I'm just facepalming over the fact that the clan that has been the most unsuccesful on the whole of 2007 RuneScape flames the fuck out of other clans. For the record, you've beaten RD 3 times (what I've heard in a 30 mins preparation), and lost 3 times to us in a weeks notice or more. Looking forward for the fight next week, if we lose, I'll be quiet.
  22. That's exactly what I just said l0l? So why use the broccolied flame, you make yourself look like an tomato looking at this as an achievement when you beat a clan up 20. I'm talking about prepping ALL other clans, not only Fatality.
  23. Fatality are doing fine, do you really see it as an achievement beating a clan when you have +15 every trip? Gosh you're a broccoli if you do brah... Are you really telling Redemption that pulls 45 to fight EOP that pulls 70-80 in the wild? If you want to have a clean fight without mains etc, wildy is not the place to go btw. Prep clans in Clan Wars midweek. Oh wait, your clan doesn't like doing that. I mean it happens sometimes but EOP is the most high pulling clan so they must be desperate for action, right? Start prepping more and we'll find out who really is the #1 Matched clan. Hopefully for you, it will be EOP.
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