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Posts posted by Gigi

  1. literally every clan has multiple leaks on each other so whats the point? why don't you guys just jump in a discord call and set up fights normally? these clans fork out hundreds of millions of gp's on leaks and you all just sit there looking at a join me of each other anyways... save your gp and set up fights normally. doesn't really make much sense when you think about it. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, Waldo said:

    Reset 1-4 def 90 combat cap. Sure, some people will make 90 combat tanks but those are easier to deal with than maxed mains and make the current maxed mains and vennies obsolete.

    That said, not sure how you'd be able to get leaders in all the clans to agree to this.

    ^ agreed, lvl 90 tanks will get dropped by pures and are much easier to deal with. plus no ones gonna go through the effort to make one. i mean some ppl will but i don't think it'll be close to being as bad as it is now. 25 def isnt bad if ur 60 attk 52 pray maxed you'll be like 88cb which is ok. 1-25 def 90cb hard cap, stick to fighting in low wild and main issue shouldnt be as bad

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