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  1. lmfa0 eop about to get the dick 3-0 tomatos

  2. titan getting salty again r0f
  3. lmfa0 got banned for 2 hours by @persiantom lol? for what expressing my opinion r0f
  4. nice job brown sticky stuffting on rd hope to see you step up to fi and punish them for fucking teaming with retards
  5. yo kev come on zu ts I gotta talk to you
  6. @@Sith- yeah that's funny as hell almost as fucking funny as when we slammed you in the prep lmfa0 you guys fucking suck
  7. r0f this clan gives u a 13v13 but wont give zu a 25v25?
  8. I think that everyone is going to say a lot of different old clans but lets be real right now: zerg unit has basically gone undefeated in preps (were like 34-1?) and almost all of them have been 3-0. No one has actually put up a fight including 8 year old clans. I am no statistics major but that is the best average of all time. I realize clans like MM/TLP aren't here anymore but even they didn't have the record we do in zu. just because were new doesn't mean were not the best matched of all time. take it into consideration as were the most respected clan right now due to our matched ops performance My opinion on matched all time: 1. ZU 2. TLP/MM 3. Foe 4. Cp 5. z? whats your opinion?
  9. lmfa0 what a joke zu is clearly better r0f
  10. got a question is jonty really actually cauliflower or just a troll?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. zergling


      r0f who even are you harrie a private server kid lfma0

    3. rd pride

      rd pride

      herpderp rd is better

    4. ibro
  11. r0f we wont be teaming with anyone in an event like this unless its fi.. maybe eop not doing some cauliflower event where its fi+rd vs zu+eop or anything broccolied and not teaming with fucking rd either fuck man people have some cauliflower ass ideas
  12. r0f you tryhards brought all 100s we had level 60s trying out p2p for the first time lmfa0 tomatos
  13. join zu for top quality possibly of all time... eop for quantity every other clan is pretty irrelevant lmfa0
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