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Everything posted by Bravey

  1. We got bodied, we noticed our errors, we'll improve and try again. good job and solid performance.
  2. If I gotta pick one of those, I gotta say 3at by far.
  3. @@Hon0r is this why you have no sunday topic up? and on saturday topic you have nothing but you getting shrekt every single fight? lol.! ownT
  4. Wow, I feel bad for that guy.
  5. Oh yea? we were in singles with a fall in ( had a fight ), then u guys came into singles and rush with full rg [40]. None of our people died as you show up so, I don't think you cleared us. Why did u even call CP lol? like u already were up 3-4 and still needed to call cp to boost your pull? w'e tho, we owned yall today. C u next weekend.
  6. We pulled 30 peaked at 34 which is fine right? you pulled 20 to a prep 30v30 minimum and brought 10 invites including chain69 clan chat KYP LMFAO!!!!!!
  7. Dicked with ez last sunday.... dicked during midweek in wilderness... absolutely destroyed in a prep 30v30 minimum...... dicked today. Whats new? nothing, now stfu and go create ur own topic dumbfuck.
  8. @@Niblet apex has all quality, they could prob beat you 18v40, kyp retart
  9. Wrong. Envy teamed with you, now stfu. tomato.
  10. We pulled 30 ( our own ) due to us being gmt based for most part!
  11. Train the fuck up and stop whining like my moms puppy when I threw him from my balcony. You only stay 60s to have an excuse to lose, god bless man. We're trying to level up so we can fight the other lpcs too.
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