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Posts posted by Chris-

  1. 5 hours ago, Co0kiezs said:



    if your going to leak logs, leak the full thing


    btw remember when u used to leak to me?



    Remember when you used to snipe your own clan cause you hated sam?



    Remember when you wanted a way out?



    This topic has now become very very awkward. Legacy official low IQ.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Evelyn de Rothschild said:

    Do something about it lmfa000000.  This topic is broken and you guys actually think this will do something just has me rofl irl. Zenith quality is such shit, their leaders doesn’t have confidence in their member base to double log.. 

    Zenith, your leaders don’t even use f keys, I doubt your quality is getting better.. if anything you guys are decreasing in quality.. keep mass recruiting faggots, nothing is going to save you


    btw nice meds yesterday, don’t think we didn’t see those 20 mains you guys had camping us

    "Leader's dont have confidence in their member base" most hypocritical thing I've read all day. You bring 60 mains which means your leaders have no confidence in your PURES. If you have ALL our audio leaks you will know cookies and the rest of the rank team are AGAINST bringing mains and kick/kill anyone who attempts to brings them.  Maybe you should stop posting before you get kicked for embarrassing your own clan on sharkbrew. 

  3. @slushpuppyThis shouldn't even just be a dispute on Legacy's pure month but their advertisement as a "pure" clan being on these forums. You have evidence of their pulls above and this was YESTERDAY.  How can you allow this clan to advertise being a "pure" clan if they pull more mains than actual top tier main clans?  When u say sizeable do u mean 10?20?30?. I've only seen ROT as of recent pull more mains than Legacy do and they're a main clan. How can these boards keep their credibility as "pures" in the pure section if you allow a clan to advertise who bring 60 mains? 






  4. 1 hour ago, puppyslush said:

    We will look into this. Bear in mind that in the current circumstances, all clans bring a sizable number of mains

    You can make that arguement about most clans like rage etc. But even rage dont pull 60 mains. Theirs "sizeable" and then theirs almost mains outpulling pures. Legacy pull more mains than even the top main clans pull sometimes. 

  5. 3 hours ago, James said:


    Tell this to cookies before he runs off every fight claiming a win lmfao.

    Imagine claiming a win 20v70 2 weeks back.

    Imagine posting a 5 min video claiming a win over a 4 hour fight.


    Notice the rivalry topic today, only the zenith kids voted zenith and thought ya'll were winning this rivalry.

    Thats how fucking delusional you lot are.

    You literally avoided my full statement then you say "run off claiming a win" which is exactly what you did. You ran off the battlefield to a random location to claim a fake win/ending. 

    And you think a random topic which was voted on by a bunch of trolls means anything? Well anything to give you a morale boost from the 20+ regroups you did last night.

  6. 43 minutes ago, SwordsAndSandals said:

    5min pov from a 4 hour fight you got fucking slaughtered 1v2 anyday fucking shitters

    U ran laps and was down to 20 people teleporting and doing the same thing for 4 hours straight. Also just a clanning tip.. once you leave the battlefield you know you lose right? I guess you're new.

  7. 6 hours ago, George Soros said:

    Get fucked you fucking retards, nobody gives a fuck about the lies you post in your topics, you get fucked every weekend. Your clan has no quality, hence why you're 0-27 in clan wars rounds and avoid preps like the pussies you are Lmao, dog shit 0 quality clan. 


    According to your TS you was losing and btw once u run into singles you automatically lose. Have fun being brainwashed. Oh and btw a very angry member messaged me after your trip so if you think your Audio leak was bad it's about to get worse. Have fun singles clan.

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