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Everything posted by icy

  1. Nothing new, same old severance on battlescape.
  2. haha, everyone knows what happened. honestly if i was ur dad id cockslap you for making him looking bad over the internet because you suffer from anorexia need food bro? LOL i honestly feel so bad bullying u because u look like a skinny bundle of twigsgot. sorry bro i wont flame u simply bcuz i feel sorry
  3. Well, just like i did with zulus previous clan (ns) slumped it to the grave. They are all full of propaganda and we all know it. Nothing new 16-0 in pkris Best battlescape leader award or?
  4. np jamz got u 4 pages now i cba not like b4 getting 50 pages with effort :&
  5. Do you plan on joining the clan (Intros can come to trips so you can get your events even before making an application, see this topic for more info: ya after i train Where did you hear about EoP and who referred you (if anyone)? palo hansis tribey0 thudo Clan History: rsps prod, currently in trauma while i train up Tell us a little about yourself: smoke weed fuck bitches get money xd
  6. ill tell u whats awkward when u cant open ur eyes when u wake up because there is dried semen all over them. Icybs cum locked ur eye shell, now thats fucking awkward. if i was ur dad id cockslap the taste out of ur mouth for sounding like a cow goat if that exist l0l jailbait warrior
  7. Proud Founder of torture Proud Founder of furious pures
  8. icy


    wait for the drop rofl the legend wtf u uploading a video of me sounding like dumb 4n and 2 year old video wtf men wtf
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