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Status Updates posted by ferocious

  1. Pull 8 people to Sunday trip and call it Monday. #JustRuinThings

  2. Pull 8 people to Sunday trip and call it Monday. #JustRuinThings

  3. #20manpulls #JustRuinThings

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ferocious


      @Acid HPC based clan, isn't even #1 in clw and has an 8 man pull in the wild #JustRuinThings

    3. ferocious
    4. 17_


      #1 matched hahahaah Doom and CD are both better than you Lmfao and Apex just casually slumping u

  4. Ruin getting cleared x3 with ease.
  5. Ruin getting cleared x3 with ease.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ferocious


      @Howl I would laugh too at your horrendous performance that you had throughout this video lmfao

    3. erdnA


      that is just us bullying u down 10?

    4. ferocious


      5:30 where it shows 48v17 clearly shows you bullying us down 10 lol RIP

  6. Ruin getting cleared x3 with ease.
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. erdnA


      atleast you tried

    3. ferocious


      I agree @'Andre, ruin did try, it's a shame that their members aren't as good as the invites they bring to preps

    4. ferocious


      Did we not setup a 1v1 at 26 hill where your brown sticky stuff clan wanted us to defend? resulted into you guys ending with 17 lmfao, see our topic for proof brown sticky stuff kid. @Acid @'Andre kyp

  7. the smoke at clan wars is real

  8. SMH when RD thinks they can win any rivalry lmfao

    1. Lmfao69


      mfw apex cant even pull on a weekend

    2. nICK1
  9. lithuanian pures wins again

  10. daily reminder to doom, u gave up #1 p2p matched to us that easy?

    1. موني


      Yes because we all contest #1 P2P Matched in this scene

    2. ferocious
    3. موني


      Wow that Moni kid is a bang HAHA!

  11. doom kekekekeleared

  12. You poked "Moni" with message: mini apex "Moni" pokes you: Doing an event not mining autistic kids You poked "Moni" with message: wooooow rudeeeee

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. موني
    3. Ari


      well u are autistic

    4. ferocious


      @Ari stop talking you're the most irrelevant kid on sharkbrew.

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