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Everything posted by Mains

  1. 16v16 is a big mini, 20v20+ is prep worthy. newbundle of twigss lol
  2. how was zu sunday pk trip? didn't they fight sup or something
  3. the round they won, ~3 rd kids got hit off it looks like..
  4. lets hope not 12 year old!
  5. not to mention they pull like 50 more than u on the weekend lelies
  6. retards are still better than zu, they beat u ina prep!
  7. good to hear bro, I don't want zu to close just saying pray 4 u guys when ur in a bad state :/
  8. feel bad, they lost a prep to the [R]etar[D]s and lost a few members, idk how they will survive, all clans should seriously back off them. just zu it.
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