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Posts posted by Hormone

  1. BZFPswc.png





    Last week we set up a matched F2P Prep with Judgement knowing they would be pretty good competition for us.  We had a week to prep for this, everybody trained their combat stats as well as Judgement.  With the work of our dedicated members we managed to take the win 2-1.  We also peaked at 44 people on TS for this prep.









    ^Vid by Horg ^








    Thanks for the fight Judgement, looking forward to more fights in the future.


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  2. BZFPswc.png





    We decided to mass up at 11:30 PM EST knowing XL and SP were out.  We quickly rounded up about 15 people later peaking at 20.  CD ended up finding out that we were out so they massed up around 20 people including their 40+ def tanks to try and clear us.  We ended up clearing up everything in the wild until CD asked for IP/NP's help again to try and team on us like usual.  We called it a night before they could try anything.  Was Fun, thanks for the late night action everybody.









    ^Vid By Bren/H0W3









    Fight 1 vs CD - Ft. XL Crash


    We found out CD was sitting on sperm hill a little unorganized walking around towards Volcanoes, we quickly rushed them gaining control of the volcano right away.  CD ran onto sperm hill while we were taking control, then XL decided to crash the fight.  We stayed calm and focused down CD making them panic teleport.  After CD was cleared we pushed onto XL and cleared them instantly making them teleport as well.  Thanks for the action


    Fight 2 Vs CD - FT XL+SP Crash


    Again, we knew CD was chilling on sperm hill waiting for us so we rushed them with full opts quickly gaining control of sperm hill once again.  Quickly after the fight started XL and SP decided to crash from hillz.  We called a movement south of CD to sandwich them and made them scatter.  We then called a regroup in ghost hut.  We saw CD and XL+SP fighting near pond so we quickly took our bows out and cleared both clans with ease.


    Fight 3 Vs CD - Ft XL+SP Crash X2


    The third fight took place inside chaos alter.  We knew CD wouldn't want to fight us deep wild anymore because their members like to teleport so they don't lose any gear.  We rushed into chaos alter taking control of the alter as soon as we rushed.  Banging CD members left and right.  When CD had like 10 people left XL+SP decided to crash again.  We pulled north clearing XL with ease.  We saw CD trying to get a regroup west of chaos alter so we rushed on top of them with scims and cleared them instantly.  We had intel that IP/NP were coming to save the day for CD because they couldn't take the beat down we gave them all night.  We pulled north to 19 portals and called it a night and walked down with our free loot. 





    Thanks for all the clans for the free loot.  Was fun late night action.

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