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Everything posted by Teboo

  1. Pfff oakdice is just a troll doubt this even happened
  2. Pretty sure both fo and eop are both terrible compared too cp No offense
  3. To 500? What are you kids virgins?? Lol..
  4. Teboo

    I'm Mich

    Yo whats good fam
  5. you just started pulling 80s like 3 weeks ago from pulling like 30-40 Meanwhile we were pulling non-stop 65+ lol dont think we forgot your little 1v1s with sup and lpcs to stay relevant
  6. If you say so man... just know we stomped eop last rivalry
  7. Pretty sure you have more topics about us than any other clan idk if you knew but Cp won the last rivalry against eop
  8. i sware people are just broccolied
  9. Embarassing in tlps part i guess they gave up knowing cp was clearly better in every aspect
  10. Gz Cp Idk why eop talking about invites when half of rd was at there fullout lol
  11. The fact that sv is ragging makes me lose respect for them tbh..
  12. Na definetly just key guys around the cp community we just take our slongs out and slap eop around ya feel me
  13. The one that forced eop to have a poll to re-open lmao! Cp #1 pure clan
  14. No one else since even your members know your sht smh anything else man? Cp wins again..
  15. Cant be worse than closing twice in 1 week lmfao! Cp still winning btw
  16. Didnt you die at chins lmao really embarassing tbh Cp wins again btw
  17. Then how did you get declined x3?
  18. CP wins again and again and again... so the question remains why did you go main???
  19. Eop getting hype becuase they pulled over 40 in 8 months Pfff stick to preping lpc retards o wait mb xlpc
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