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Everything posted by Jonathan

  1. id prefer 20 too but when clans started doing pcls i think they moved up to 25 for infinity ect
  2. most "pure" clans are 30 def or lower, honestly not sure why, since theres no curses. what def level would you rather pure clans have? 25 or 30 def and below?
  3. this is one sided, rage

  4. why is my cursor a kangaroo?

  5. when you resort to recruiting on an lpc topic because the lpcs are getting all the attention lol
  6. we closed due to inactive ranks, there was like 2 active ranks, Leen and Kattri, our 2 leaders were very inactive
  7. when you flood the forums with posts from last weeks trip because thats the only trip you did alright at LOL, i'd post the videos and pictures of our wins, but honestly it'd take too long, you're better off just looking them up
  8. its pretty bad that the only thing you have on me is my mic is muted... yet you're the leader of an lpc and you dont even have a single combat stat over 70 with 20 def, like wtf? and dont say you're a fall in leader, because even then, you should at least have 70 - 80 range lmfao
  9. are you cauliflower? you're legit the only leader that says stuff like that, hey rage members, this is what your leader thinks of you, just another +1 muted on trips i joined from massacre, obviously im going to be muted on trips, and i prefer it that way, you should too cause you're pretty brown sticky stuff with your mic on, turn it off, rage might stay out of singles for a fraction of a second longer, you're welcome for the advice and i joined from massacre and already got a promo, its not a big deal, but its clear that they see something in me of value. only way you get leader is if you make your own clan lmao
  10. that slaughter vs rage fullout topic, was to hopefully move things along and get you tomatos to actually set up a fullout
  11. im a plus one? and lvl 65 with mith? how about you look me up, ApexJonathan is my rsn so look it up
  12. lol what? we pull the same as you in the wildy..
  13. this is mainly for people not in either clan, would you like to see a Slaughter vs Rage fullout?
  14. i think we should do both, but it should be f2p first then p2p and like 75 cb cap for p2p
  15. if the entire wildy was multi i dont think there would be a problem only thing to worry about then would be 2 clans focusing one clan but thats not a very big problem tbh
  16. wtf you mean you pay? if you want to pay me to lie about the outcome of pk trips then by all means im open to accepting money
  17. people like you are 90% of the problem
  18. every clan does this dont even bull brown sticky stuff, im in 3 clans right now, slaughter, apex, fatality, doesnt matter which clan, if the situation is right, every clan will resort to this, although, the better leaders will find a way not to resort to this, but it still happens
  19. its so cancerous, i cant be the only one to think that true quality nowadays only gets shown in preps, thats the only way a clan ever actually gets cleared, in todays clanning you lose like 10 - 20 opts and you run to singles and snipe then try claiming a win when the other clan decides to leave, or another clan crashes and saves you time to regroup and hit the clan you were originally fighting and claim a win, theres many other scenarios here, but its honestly so bad and alot of clans just dont even prep due to this, because if you prep, it comes down to quality, you cant bull brown sticky stuff your way out of a loss in clan wars, there really isnt much point to this topic, but something needs to change, also it'd be cool if jagex made a 30 def or lower wildy but that'll never happen, seriously guys, a little less propaganda would be great, we clan because we enjoy it, I cant be the only one that doesnt enjoy it as much as i used to.
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