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Everything posted by Burntswordfish

  1. Damn rip to the MPC scene. CD is going to destroy everyone
  2. CD is prepped bigggg for this weekend. feel sorry for whoever has beef with them

  3. LMAO gl hassan see u saturday and sunday (hopefully u come out...we'll know whether u do or not HAHAH)
  4. awkweird moment when doom klan got bullied to hpc lfamO!! Also awkward when envy has more leaks in their klan den actual memers LOL!!!

    1. CAPS


      Another broccoli from another clan lmfao

  5. Still waiting for you to post your topics for this past Saturday and Sunday in the even aftermath section OH WAIT...LFMAO!!! Btw I want all of you to flame me because MY COCK IS DAMN SMALL. DOOM bullied to HPC LFMAo. Hassan died from Chokin lfmao!!! CD DID THIS TO YOU. CD IS NOW DVD KLAN (we upgraded HAHAHAHA)
  6. yo where was doom??!?! hahahah thanks for the PC hahaha my cock is small
  7. hey guys no need to flame me on my original topic. Like i said im just an unbiased bi stander but i am potato masher ill admit that but im not bi so flaming me wont do anything but make me even more homosexual (i would love someone to shove skittle down my throat right now) but anyways. ppl said "how did u bully doom to hpc? u cant bully a clan up" my response: how come when sv moved from lpc to hpc ppl said they got bullied out (in reality they actually moved up). in dooms case, doom was forced up by CD because cd gives them the proverbial cock every week. Suck my small cock if im wrong, but it seems all the flame are directed toward cd and sv because they're the #1 mpc and #1 hpc clans. Im just sayin Like i said, no need to flame me im just a potato masher bi stander but im actually a lesbian. Thanks xoxo
  8. pic dont lie though but my dog is potato masher lol
  9. LMFAO Im just an unbiased bystander (and im potato masher not just by) but seriously, how can u get bullied so hard by CD especially when u use mains and team with envy? Do you not know CD's history, they're going to hunt u until ur closed LOL. u clearly dont know CD history. their officials are mental. u beefed with the wrong clan lol
  10. team with envy has 30+ mains has 60+ hpc pures still loses to CD in a 1v3 my cock is extremely small and brown
  11. pic don't lie http://critical-damage.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=23541
  12. 80 of CD's core members just destroyed 140 doom+envy members who merged teamspeaked and used the same capes. How does that even happen? RESULT: doom + envy no where to be seen after a simple 4 hours. and that was just our warm up
  13. With all trolling and trolls and jokes and trolls aside...anyone wonder why Doom + Envy didn't make a topic in the "event aftermath" section? I think I know why...word on wallstreet is they got the proverbial di ck handed to them by a clan that called themselves Compact Disk clan. THOUGHTS??? ENVY's POINT OF VIEW: BTW I HAVE A VERY VERY SMALL COCK
  14. U just got burnt like a burnt swordy lolll Cd destroyed u
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