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Everything posted by imafaggot

  1. pulling 35-40s while 60% of our members are busy with irl isn't struggling.
  2. The title is a bait for you rejects to get mad about, clearly your IQ isn't high enough to comprehend that.
  3. 55 on ts 46 ingame don't lie now buddy lmfao We clearly wanted to fight you but instead of doing so you team with dv lmfao Gr8 propaganda
  4. 55 on ts 46 ingame 37 ending LMFAO Gz on pulling 12 LMFAO
  5. It's exactly the same as the hpc scene lol. I think you're forgetting the 40 dv invites in your cape lmfao gj avoiding aao
  6. Your pull would've been impressed without the 15 apex, 20 hz invites and the 30 mains.
  7. Because pulling 50 is dying? Sorry pal our member base is for 90% Above 18-20 years of age and are all busy with work/school/exams n stuff.
  8. You should ask your dad for attention instead of me pal.
  9. It seems you're the madman here.
  10. Rd pulled like 30 with sign ups and ended 1hr in apex pulled 26 lmfao which clans are dead here.
  11. Come out on sundays, until then you're irrelevant.
  12. You lost to apex why would we be scared of you lmfao. You lost to apex, pulled less than 10 to trips and preps for weeks. Stfu broccoli lmfao.
  13. You lost everything today lmfa0 Stfu no1 cares bout ded clans
  14. You mean you losing 3 fights vs aao, only having the upper hand when you have +5 in the ca fight, crash 2 fights but dip immediately? Seems legit man. You lost to apex in a rivalry and now you think you can talk brown sticky stuff to the clan that saved you from closure, you should try to beat them first before you're worthy of challenging the big bad lions. Once again, literally not a single person in aao gives a crap about your clan. Come out on sundays n we may change our minds. Until then good luck on beating apex before you can step up. 1 day a weekend is boring.
  15. I can take a picture for your thick skull, or you can skip to 0:49-0:51 on the vid heh
  16. AAO Starting: 33 Ruin Starting: 34 AAO Ending: 34 (lol) Ruin Ending: 28 Before Devotion crashed. 0:51 in vid oh really now
  17. #AAO | AAO-Rs.Com | Ts.AAO-Rs.Com On this rainy afternoon AAO set out with 37 Lions. A slightly lower pull as expected with a few ranks and members getting called into work last minute. Shout Outs: @ for graduating All Lions for attending today's trip apex for being brown sticky stuff. chimperial for losing everything today. ruin 1 weekend trip a week rivalry's are boring, come out on Sunday's and we'll think about it. We started the day off with a fight against ruin. not much to say here, they got fucked. AAO Starting: 33 Ruin Starting: 34 AAO Ending: 34 (lol) Ruin Ending: 28 Before Devotion crashed. 0:51 in vid After they crashed we got a quick regroup and tried to re-hit the fight but ruin quickly logged out. and we only managed to kill a few stragglers. After grabbing a bank ruin wanted to fight again, they put up a slightly better fight up 6 than they did the in previous fight. Rage crashed after like 1 minute and a few minutes later, op/chimp crashed. Our Intel notified us of chimperial entering multi and that they were fighting op around corp. We decided to pay them a visit and kill em. After killing chimperial we decided to recharge our prayers before heading back into battle. We decided to pay dv a visit for crashing our pkri earlier against ru. After battling ru for a bit apex tried to crash. ru dipped into single. Having fought for a good 4 minutes already we were low on food and pray but that didn't stop us from annihilating apex. They ended with like 10 in single before rage/cd crashed. You lost to me while i was calling hahaha The last fight of the day was with Devotion. They approached us for a fight at bandits and we agreed. Knowing that ru/ apex would be crashing, we knew it would be a fun cluster. Sadly the clan that was the first to crash was the first to leave too. After apex crashed and we fought for a good 3 mins op decided to crash. Videos: BeGenius's Uploading.. Austin's Pictures:
  18. op offered to fight clans matched but didn't want to fight matched against us. Good effort, you tried pal. lol
  19. Still quoting me? Seems the nerves were struck.
  20. A lot of lies in 1 topic, it's like i'm reading an cp topic.
  21. We would've if your ranks weren't afraid to fight us matched after what happened 2 weeks ago You mean, turning overs off like retards and us leaving the cc due to overs being off made you win but you didn't want to redo? Nice logic dumb aussie
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