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Posts posted by TheKing

  1. 55e4afa70f9adaefe697f88b8ff25743.png



    @@Kaz not gonna lie but this is some weak banter, look at all you dying after a matched fight. Let me break it down for you.


    1. Proved yourself a tomato making this topic

    2. The quality of a Hate member is 2 to 1 on a PoP applicant, no need to lie every clan agrees your quality is bad

    3. PiC is a junior clan of PoP as it was created for fun by a ex-leader. Its a low level pking team and yet you stand here making a topic about it. 


    Amazes me how whiny this xlpc scene is. We are the only clan in this scene who doesn't make excuses nor dumb topics to promote how broccolied our members are (like you) 

  2. You can but when the call is to run north and away from the clan and spam cleared and then posting an aftermath saying you won is broccolied.


    Also keep bringing mains to compete Poop


    your in sf no one gives a brown sticky stuff about you or sf let alone the xlpc scene. I think the first thing that comes to mind when people hear anything from sf is damn that clan has the worst quality and ranks in rs history

  3. imagine having higher combats then IR (lpc) and call yourself a xlpc.... smh ... nice losing topic btw seems like poop lost again

     i guess 92% of our pulls are low 50s to mid 60s count as 75+? Typical people crying cause they never win and always find excuses. At least we don't need to make up bullbrown sticky stuff lies on our topics unlike some clans..


    Special Forces, do you actually think your in a good clan? The entire pure community already knows how bad the quality is in that clan let alone ranks. That has to be the worst name in clan history. This is 2017 not 2005 buddy

  4. has sf won a single rivalry they have been in? also whats a pop?


    Your in a clan with 1/4 of the ranks are pop and have been pop for over 6 years. Not to mention 3 old ranks your not familiar with or the 1 legend rank. I could go more in detail but my boys in pop/eop are tight. I guess every clan has there few 2016 tomatos. no flame 


    I might as well say every clan besides 6 since 2016 has a pop member as a rank in it. Its been like this for the past 4 years. We must do one hell of a job as rank team for  members to be ranks in other clans.

  5. Show me something relevant. Pre-eoc is jokes kiddo you didnt survive, you curled up like a bitch and closed. 

    X Won't save you. 

    You bring mains/raggers broccoli, Best proof of my life. 


    Keep digging your grave


    hope you know we are the only clan to have this award. Your trying to be relevant to a clan that pulls double your weekend pull.


  6. You had 40 in your teamspeak and 90 ingame, you lost all your fights and was 2v1'd. Theres a big difference between my opening and your opening. SF wins again. 


    The most loses on an opening trip will be Pop over Envy any day!. 


    yeah bro having 97 in the teamspeak channel and 95 in game. You want pics? how about videos? let me know we have 160+ pop videos. Most loses over envy on opening trip? Keep acting broccolied jesus. Here @@Control Pker before i start making topics about you lets post some videos of us. Control your in the same bracket as envy. How broccolied are you? i can understand why people hate you now. I gave you a chance but clearly failed since you think a 0-30 prep record and a 30 man pull is jagex cup worthy




    Yeah bro 40 on ts with 95 in game.. Being a broccoli isn't going to save you. 23 minute video oh.. I guess 3 hours of action doesn't mean nothing


  7. Pulling more with mains wont save them at 10 wildy. Be smart about your post before posting it please. thanks. 

    mains?  we are a 1-5 def pure clan. keep making excuses.  SF pulls 38 to opening trip - POP pulls 95 to opening trip. SF pulls 36 & POP pulls 64. We still waiting on that 70cmb prep you wanted and accepted but you don't respond to it now. Must be those spammers and sand crab recruits. 

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