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Posts posted by Haych

  1. If you guys have been in the scene the longest, have the highest cbs, fight mpcs, and complain about the lpc scene being too easy, why not just move up already


    Defence does not interest us, bringing mains does not interest us. I mean look at critically damaged and chimperial, they are so lost that even they are fed up with the MPC scene, why would we leave LPC when the clans up their are so interested in fighting us down here.  


    Come down and say hello, we not leaving ;)


    Rage can keep the MPC scene wrapped around their finger. 


    We'll just continue holding it down here ;)

  2. These retards are so simple minded. 


    Invictus has been around LPC for a while, LPC has been 60-75. Hence, we remain #1. For all the new clans opening and trying to set a new combat bracket. Think again, you afraid to level up because you know you'll get annihilated, is that why you try push us out of the LPC scene? thats not how brown sticky stuff works, we will continue to outshine you bundle of twigsgots, you have a problem with our quality? train up and do something about it.


    At the moment, none of you so called Lpc's are competition, y'all are a bunch of goldfishes swimming in our ocean, we the sharks out here, we're just playing around with our food, just wait till we start the actual hunt. just ask SK, they won't last another week at the rate they're going, we've already bitten off half their limbs.


    Fallen, TLH, SK, you want to stand up to us, do something about it, the LPC combat bracket is STAYING THE SAME. So unless you want to keep bitching about us being too high combats, go train the fuck up. otherwise, don't step foot in our wilderness and expect us not to send you to Lumbridge. 


    Invictus, All we do is conquer . 

  3. LOOOOOOL rag an lpc during lpc times. Not a problem, your mpc trip will just be a single trip for you virgins. Watch rage hit 100. 


    Is brown sticky stuffperial... I mean imperv-ial... Imperial. There we go, becoming an lpc? Not on an mpc standard no more? Sucks to be your clan right now. 

  4. I hardly Lead/Call in SK trips my mics brown sticky stuff mate plus ive been using somebody level 65 until my accounts back and ready and I didnt lead them before Hassan was there but hey Hassan must be doing something right seeming we never lose.

    Im level 54 already btw also stay mad I love mad IV kids who are angry because their clan is dead.

    e13bb760a320dd30cf1cd721214b76e7.png<-- IV Killer v2 progress




    I just found it amusing how SK couldn't even close XL, yet, have the cheek to try come at us. LOOOL!


    Put your money where your mouth is and come prep us, or are you really and truly a bitch ass who hypes on the brew? 


    Heres your two options,


    1. Keep talking brown sticky stuff and running like the little pussies you are.


    2. Be a MAN and prep us


    I don't expect a man out of you anyway. 



    P.s I give it 2 weeks till hassan runs for the exit, or, he might even close your clan instead. LMAO

  5. LOOOOOOOOOOL you imperial cunts are cute as fuck.


    It would be nice for rage to pull 100 every weekend now, we'll have you shoving your own arrows up your asses. 


    As for the lpc scene, show your bitch ass up, we waiting for you. We need more bundle of twigsgots to discipline. 


    Remember this quote, imperial closed by a lpc. 


    Your relationship with cd will soon come to an end. who will close first?


    First to answer gets to smack this imperial kid across the face, I'll approve. 

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