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Posts posted by lookatwhoiam

  1. Not sure why brown sticky stuff like this should even be allowed to be posted. You people bitch about pure clanning dying and then come on here and see brown sticky stuff like this being spewed. You're just as bad as CD, if not worse.

    We posted it on eop site, leaked nothing here broccoli. All were doing is posting a link where everyone can see it cos I know everyone wants to

  2. winning what? your clan would rather have 50 members camp 18 members of another clan in single than get an actual fight where you risk losing.

    EoP goes out of their way to stir as much brown sticky stuff as possible while minimizing actual combat in game. you're all proud of hacking cp and doxing clanners. your leaders allow it. your clan supports their behavior. if your clan needs to do all that to make you feel like a winner, you were never winners to begin with.

    Waa waa cry more u beta bundle of twigsgot youre not good enough to be a rank in a clan as we all know you couldn't save tlp you useless fuck. Unbreakable is going to be a remake of mayhem except ur guna join them this time and bend the knee after flaming hanu and Braden countless times for opening mayhem

  3. heh indeed i wont be as  good in ddosing as him lul!

    heh i also remember him coming with a vpn and new identity to sup's ts just to tell me that im brown sticky stuff miniwarrer but good at gfx so is should continue doing gfx :) :) :) =D

    Ye maybe in ur dream lmao, Jeyes would never take time to spend on ur foreign ass but u continue fantasising over him on a virtual game

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